Landing Page Color Change Instructions



Although customizing the landing page to meet your needs can be as complex as you want, changing the color themes between the preset Blue, Green, and Gold color sets, is a breeze. Do the following:

  1. Find the "images" folder located in the "Landing Page" directory and rename it to "images-blue" or whatever naming convention you would prefer to use.

  2. Now select either the "images-green" or "images-gold" folder, depending on what color theme you want to utilize, and rename the folder to "images".

  3. Find the "styles.css" file in the "Landing Page" directory and rename it to "styles-blue.css" or whatever naming convention you would prefer to use.

  4. Now select either the "styles-green.css" or the "styles-gold.css" file, depending on what color theme you want to utilize, and rename the file to "styles.css"

  5. Now just upload the files to your site directories or preview the "WebMktg_landingPage.html" file locally to see the change.

  6. You're done! Enjoy a Spark or even a coffee

  7. (What's Spark you ask, find it here: )


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