Lekcje, Nauka.pl Lesson 18, Lesson 18

Lesson 18

Past Continuous - czas przeszły ciągły

Czasu Past Continuous używa się:

np: When I came back, my sister was cooking.

(Gdy wróciłem, moja siostra gotowała.) /wróciłem w trakcie gotowania/

np: He was working all day last Saturday. (W zeszłą sobotę pracował przez cały dzień.)

np: While John was cooking, they were repairing the car. (Podczas gdy John gotował, oni naprawiali samochód.)
I asked them to be quiet. I was trying to hear what the teacher was saying. (Poprosiłem ich o ciszę. Próbowałem usłyszeć co mówił nauczyciel.)

jeśli konkretna czynność w ściśle określonym momencie właśnie trwała - nie był to jej początek ani koniec:

np: Yesterday at 5.30? We were playing tennis. (Wczoraj o 5.30? Graliśmy w tenisa.)
Podobnie zapyta nas np. policja
What were you doing yesterday at midnight? (Co pan robił wczoraj o północy?)




Long form

Short form

I was playing

You were playing

He was playing

She was playing

It was playing

I was not playing

You were not playing

He was not playing

She was not playing

It was not playing

I wasn't playing

You weren't playing

He wasn't playing

She wasn't playing

It wasn't playing

Was I playing?

Were you playing?

Was he playing?

Was she playing?

Was it playing?

We were playing

You were playing

They were playing

We were not playing

You were not playing

They were not playing

We weren't playing

You weren't playing

They weren't playing

Were we playing?

Were you playing?

Were they playing?

Zdanie twierdzące składa się z podmiotu (I, she, they, etc), operatora was/were i czasownika z końcówką -ing.

Np. You were playing tennis last night.

Pytanie tworzymy przez inwersję, czyli przestawienie operatora was/were na początekzdania.

Np: Were you playing tennis last night?

(Grałeś w tenisa wczoraj wieczorem?)

Przeczenie tworzymy przez dodanie zaraz po operatorze was/were przeczenia not

Np: You were not playing tennis last night.

Charakterystycznymi określeniami dla tego czasu przeszłego są: while, when, during (podczas, gry, w trakcie).


Ex.1 Complete the blanks with correct form of verbs in brackets.

  1. They………..(be/work) very long last week.

  2. While she…….(be/have) a shower, the telephone…….(ring).

  3. When Chris………..(be/buy) a hamburger, the bus……….(arrive).

  4. John………………(be/wear) this jumper all yesterday evening.

  5. During supper we……………(be/talk) about our weekend plans.

  6. My sister……………(be/cooking), when John….(come).

  7. Children……………..(be/play) with toys all morning.

  8. Who………(be/waiting) for you last night?

Ex.2. Translate to English.

Przetłumacz na Angielski

  1. Padał śnieg, kiedy wyszedłem.

  2. Kiedy pisałam list, tata wrócił domu.

  3. Pisałam list cały wieczór.

  4. Kiedy szłam do domu, spotkałam Tomka.

  5. Kiedy brałam kąpiel, zadzwonił telefon.

  6. Ona pływała, podczas gdy ja grałem w piłkę.

  7. Pracowaliśmy bardzo ciężko cały ranek.

  8. Siedzieliśmy w parku wczoraj popołudniu.

  9. Ona się wczoraj uczyła matematyki.

  10. Pomagałem mamie wczoraj po obiedzie.

Ex.3 Complete the sentences with correct form of verbs in the brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous.

Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednią formą czasownika w nawiasie używając czasu Past Simple lub Past Continuous.

  1. Kate (cook) a soup, when I (ring) to her.

  2. They (do) their homework all yesterday afternoon.

  3. I (watch) TV because I was tired.

  4. When I (buy) food I (see) John.

  5. I (learn) English when I (be) young.

  6. I (iron) my clothes when my husband (sleep).

  7. He (have) a shower when his brother (have) dinner.

  8. She (walk) along the beach while I (swim) in the sea.

  9. Children (play) with their mother before they (go) to bed.


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