14.12.08 pyt, matura

Język angielski - poziom podstawowy

Czas pracy 120 minut

Rozumienie ze słuchu

Zadanie 1. (4 pkt)

Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie tekst na temat przygody pewnej kotki. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B lub C. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.


1.1. Teri

A. enjoyed playing with Sheila.

B. was different from other cats.

C. didn't eat the food Sheila prepared.

1.2. When Teri's head got stuck in a glass jar, Sheila

A. refused to leave town without helping

her.BB. sent her brother to the animal shelter.

C. failed to catch and free the cat.

1.3. Teri was found

A. in a dark corner of the garage.

B. right after the family returned home.

C. by Sheila's younger brother.

1.4. When Teri was caught

A. she didn't even eat at first.

B. she was weak but unhurt.

C. Sheila took her too hospital.

Zadanie 2. (4 pkt)

Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedzi czterech kobiet na temat zakupów świątecznych. Przyporządkuj każdej wypowiedzi zdanie podsumowujące jej treść (A-E). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w miejsce obok numeru każdej wypowiedzi. Jedno zdanie podane zostało dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej wypowiedzi. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.







  1. I believes most gifts are awaste of money

B. I hates the Christmas crowds.

C. I am a last-minute shopper.

D. I make a list and buys her gifts early.

E. I think we should always buy practical things.

Zadanie 3. (7 pkt)

Zapoznaj się z treścią zadania. Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź pewnego krytyka filmowego na temat Bollywood. Na podstawie usłyszanych informacji zdecyduj, które zdania są zgodne z treścią tekstu (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli.

Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.


3.1. It takes three days to produce a movie in Bollywood.

3.2. Some of the Bollywood actors can play in two movies within one day.

3.3. The author got a sari because he was planning to go to India.

3.4. The two greatest Bollywood movie stars are admired for their beautiful eyes.

3.5. The author would like to be able do dance like the people in the movie he saw.

3.6. The Bollywood movies are very realistic.

3.7. Many male main characters in Bollywood are played by the same actor,

which the critic found annoying.



Rozumienie tekstu czytanego

Zadanie 4. (7 pkt)

Przeczytaj poniższe informacje na temat wirusów komputerowych. Następnie zdecyduj, do którego z nich odnosi się każde zdanie w tabeli (4.1.-4.7.) Obok każdego zdania wpisz literę A, B, C lub D, którą oznaczony został odpowiedni wirus. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

A. Jerusalem (also known as BlackBox) Discovered in 1987, Jerusalem is one of the earliest worms. It is also one of the most commonly

known viruses deleting files. It's executed on each Friday the 13th. Its name comes from the city in which it was first detected. Jerusalem

is a variant of another virus that also deletes files at random periods during the year (April Fool's Day and/or Friday the 13th depending on

the variant). While Jerusalem and its relatives were quite common in their day, they became less of a threat when Windows was introduced.

B. Michelangelo In 1991, thousands of computers were hit by anew worm, one that was to be activated on the artist Michelangelo's birthday (March 6th). On that day, the virus would overwrite the hard disk of infected hosts. Millions of computers were believed to be at risk. After March 6th, however, it was realized that the damage was minimal. Only 10,000 to 20,000 cases of data loss were reported. Ironically, because of the media hype, the period before March 6, 1992 became known as ”Michelangelo Madness,” with users buying antivirus software, some for the very first time

C. MelissaIn 1999, many users downloaded afile in aUsenet discussion group, assuming that they were getting free access to over 80 pornographic websites. Little did they know that the file within was responsible for mass-mailing thousands of recipients and shutting down nearly the entire

Internet. The Melissa worm randomly inserted quotes from The Simpsons TV show into documents on the host computer and deleted critical

Windows files. Melissa's creator, David Smith from New Jersey, was imprisoned for 20 months and fined $5,000.

D. I LOVEYOU You may have gotten an email in 2000 with the subject line ”ILOVEYOU.” If you deleted it, you were safe from one of the most costly worms in computer history. Ten percent of all Internet connected computers were hit and the net result

was an estimated $8.7 billion in damages. Onel A. de Guzman, a resident of the Philippines, had all charges dropped against him for creating

the worm because there were no laws at the time prohibiting the creation of computer worms. Since then, the government of the Philippines

has laid out penalties that include imprisonment for up to 3 years and a fine of at least 100,000 pesos (USD $2000).

Which computer worm is it?

4.1. It had a positive as well as negative effect.

4.2. Its author was identified but did not get punished.

4.3. It gets activated in regular intervals.

4.4. It turned out less harmful than people had expected.

4.5. It is not as dangerous now as it was in the past.

4.6. It caused the biggest financial loss.

4.7. It blocked the Internet mail system with infected e-mails.

Zadanie 5. (6 pkt)

Przeczytaj pytania zadane przez dziennikarza podczas wywiadu i dopasuj do nich odpowiedzi, których udzielił aktor. Przy każdym pytaniu wpisz literę (A-H), którą oznaczona została właściwa odpowiedź. Dwie odpowiedzi zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnego pytania.

Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt.

Actor Chris O'Donnell's highest-profile role was as Robin in Batman Forever, followed by the mega-flop Batman & Robin, widely regarded

as one of the worst superhero films ever. Recently Chris has acted in The Company, out now on DVD.

5.1. You spent two months in Budapest filming The Company. How's your Hungarian?

5.2. Is there anything to do in Hungary?

5.3. Why did you want to be an actor to begin with?

5.4. When did you realise you were any good at acting?

5.5. Did you get any professional training?

5.6. What's the best Christmas present you've ever received?

A. I didn't know any actual acting techniques. Iwas able to perform when we were shooting the scenes but didn't understand what Iwas doing. Then I did a Broadway play and had time to read all these acting books. I realized Iwas instinctively doing the techniques they teach you.

B. I'm the youngest of seven kids, so Iwas always determined to get attention somehow. Iwas excited by the idea of being on TV, I tried

at a young age and luckily enough it worked out for me.

C. I only learned one phrase: `csendet' which basically means `be quiet'. It's what the assistant director kept yelling at the crew before the shoots.

D. A stupid big stereo. The speakers were bigger than I was. I also bought a car when Iwent to college.

E. I started out doing commercials as a kid. I didn't know if Iwas any good, but I knew I could get the jobs. So I thought it wasn't too bad.

F. It could potentially be this year as my fifth child is going to be born in December.

G. My family came to visit while Iwas working there and we went to some old castles and left the country to go to Vienna and Prague.

H. I really liked Batman Forever, it was such a fun experience. Warner Brothers decided to make Batman & Robin straight away, this was

a mistake. The script wasn't done, but they threw money at it hoping it would improve, which isn't the best way to make a film.

Zadanie 6. (7 pkt)

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Zpodanych możliwości odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D.

Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymas 1 punkt.

Clever Hans the Math Horse

by Alan Bellows

Wilhelm Von Osten lived in Germany in the late 1800s. He was a high school mathematics teacher and an amateur horse trainer. He was a strong believer in phrenology - the theory that one's intelligence, character and personality can be determined based on the shape of one's

head. But it was his keen interest in animal intelligence that eventually brought him fame. Von Osten firmly believed that humanity had

greatly underestimated the intelligence of animals. To test his theory, he decided to teach the basics of mathematics to a cat, a horse, and a bear.

The cat was indifferent to his efforts, and the bear tried to eat him, but the Arabian horse named Hans showed real promise. After some instruction, Hans learned to use his leg to tap out numbers written on a blackboard. When Von Osten's wrote a ”3” on the blackboard, his pupil would respond with a tap-taptap. Hans could do that for any number under ten. Encouraged by this success, Von Osten tried to train the horse in solving some basic arithmetic problems. Again, Hans learned quickly and soon he was providing the correct answers to a variety of mathematical problems.

Starting from 1891, Von Osten began parading ”Clever Hans” all over Germany to show off the horse's mathematical talent. Hans' free

exhibitions began drawing crowds of curious onlookers. The clever horse did simple arithmetic and answered questions about dates and the time of day. He could even spell out the names of the people he knew. One tap with his leg was an `A', two taps - a `B', and so on. Though he made mistakes occasionally, Hans' accuracy was found to be about 90%. Some compared Hans' mathematical skills to those of a fourteen- year-old. Naturally there were many skeptics, particularly after the New York Times featured the unusual horse in a front-page story. Germany's board of education decided to conduct an independent investigation into Hans' abilities, and Von Osten agreed. He was a man of science, after all, and he knew that there was no fraud to expose. The Hans Commission included two zoologists, a psychologist, several school teachers, and a circus manager. After long testing,

the commission concluded in 1904 that there was no trickery involved and the horse's talents were genuine. It was only when a famous psychologist Oskar Pfungst took up the investigation that the mystery was explained. Pfungst made a series of experiments that proved that the accuracy of

Hans' responses was close to zero when the horse couldn't see the questioner or when the questioner didn't know the right answer. The researchers

also found out that asking Hans questions that he couldn't answer lead to painful horse-bites. The explanation was simple, even if unusual. Close observation of the people interacting with Hans showed that their breathing and facial expression changed slightly each time the horse made the `correct' number of taps. The horse was able to notice those subtle changes and stopped tapping. It turned out that Hans had no real understanding of mathematics, butcould read the signals sent unconsciously by the human questioners.

6.1. Wilhelm Von Osten

A. taught phrenology in a high school.

B. was keen on various fields of science.

C. earned a living training horses.

D. analysed the shapes of animal heads.

6.2. In his research, Von Osten

A. experimented with different cats.

B. compared human and animal brains.

C. was successful with various animals.

D. made use of his professional skills.

6.3. Hans the horse

A. could add small numbers.

B. caused his trainer a lot of problems.

C. learned to draw numbers with his leg.

D. was able to count up to three.

6.4. Clever Hans

A. was fourteen years old when he started performing.

B. seemed to know all the letters of the alphabet.

C. attracted crowds so his owner made a lot of money.

D. made more mistakes as he became older.

6.5. Von Osten

A. was sceptical about the New York Times article.

B. refused to take part in The Hans Commission.

C. did not object to Hans' abilities being tested.

D. wanted permission for Hans to perform in a circus.

6.6. Oskar Pfungst's experiments

A. didn't bring convincing results.

B. were a little painful to the horse.

C. sometimes made the horse angry.

D. proved Hans couldn't see properly.

6.7. The research proved that Hans

A. had been taught some clever tricks.

B. understood some mathematical problems.

C. was able to send signals to his trainer.

D. responded to people's body language.

Wypowiedź pisemna

Zadanie 7. (5 pkt)

Przyjechałeś na kurs językowy do Australii i okazało się, że osoba, z którą miałeś mieszkać, nie przyjechała. Napisz krótkie ogłoszenie, które

powiesisz w szkole językowej, o tym, że szukasz współlokatora. W ogłoszeniu zawrzyj następujące informacje: gdzie mieszkasz,

jak wygląda pokój, który czeka na twojego współlokatora, jakie są koszty wynajmu, jak się z tobą skontaktować.

Podpisz się jako XYZ. W zadaniu nie jest określony limit słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność zwięzłego przekazu wszystkich informacji określonych

w poleceniu (4 punkty) oraz poprawność językowa (1 punkt).

Zadanie 8. (10 pkt)

Planujesz spędzenie wakacji, zarabiając pieniądze za granicą. W gazecie znalazłeś ogłoszenie o pracy w restauracji wLiverpoolu. Podoba ci się ta oferta, ale potrzebujesz kilku dodatkowych informacji. Napisz list do menedżera restauracji, w którym:

poinformujesz o swoim zainteresowaniu podasz podstawowe informacje dotyczące swojej osoby, napiszesz o swoim dotychczasowym doświadczeniu

i zapytasz o niezbędne dokumenty, zapytasz, jakie dokładnie miejsca pracy są wolne i jaka jest płaca, zapytasz, czy restauracja zapewnia mieszkanie

i wyżywienie, oraz wyrazisz nadzieję na otrzymanie posady. Pamiętaj o zachowaniu odpowiedniej formy listu. Nie umieszczaj żadnych adresów.

Podpisz się jako XYZ. Długość listu powinna wynosić od 120 do 150 słów. Oceniana jest umiejętność pełnego przekazania informacji (4

punkty), forma (2 punkty), bogactwo językowe (2 punkty) oraz poprawność językowa (2 punkty).


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