testy powtórkowe-preinterm, testy

Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź:

1. It usually … in autumn.

a) rains b)it is raining c) rain

2. The financial situation of our schools … worse.

a) gets b) is getting c) get

3. Look out! A car … !

a) come b) comes c) is coming

4. Plants … from seeds.

a) grow b) grows c) are growing

5. My friend, Ann, … the piano at the moment.

a) practices b) is practicing c) practice

6. Joe is in bed. He … chicken pox.

a) is having b) have c) has

7. Why … the sausages? Are they bad?

a) do you smell b) are you smelling c) you are smelling

8. I'm busy this year because I … from “Blueprint”

a) learn b) am learning c) learns

9. How is your mother? - She is not well; in fact she … worse and worse.

a) gets b) get c) is getting

10. You're always … your nails!

a) bite b) bites c) biting

11. Sam … a seminar next Tuesday evening.

a) is attending b) attends c) attend

12. I … John shouting at children.

a) hearing b) can hear c) hears

Wybierz właściwą formę:

1. Don't (touch / to touch) this yellow button. (There / It) might be dangerous.

2. How long does (that / there / it) take (getting / get / to get) from Gdańsk to Sopot on foot?

3. I (am wondering / wondered / wonder) what my girlfriend (is thinking / think / thinks) about at the moment.

4. (There / It) is little time left. Let's (to hurry / hurry / hurrying).

5. The place (wasn't / didn't be) really deserted. Actually, (there / it) was a crowd of people there.

6. I (am knowing / know) this French perfume. It (smells / is smelling) like Chanel No. 5.

7. (Were / Was) it far from your hotel to the beach?

8. He never (remembers / is remembering / doesn't remember) other people's birthdays. (It is / There is) very annoying.


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