Constipation, Ogrodnictwo, Magisterskie, Semestr I mgr, Herbal Raw Materials

Constipation- zaparcie

Expectorount- wykrztuśne

Biegunka diarrhoea

Escin- saponins

Quercetin- flavonoids

Kwas kawowy caffeic acid

Nerki kidneys

Wątroba liver

Wzdęcie flactulence

Kwas linolowy lin oleic acid

Olejki eteryczne essencial oil

Kaszel cough

Płuca lungs

Żiłądek stomach

3 dziko rosnące: chamomile, white deadnettle, Black elder

Cardiac glicosyde : lily of the valley

Flavonoids: rue herb,

Antocyjany: black elder fruit

Tannins: anti inflammatory, anti diarrhea, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant> willow bark, sage leaf

Carminative: lemon balm

Expectorant: fennel

Cholagogue: senna leaf

Diuretic: root dandelion

Poreba: forest cleaning

Xerothermic grassland polana kserotermiczna

Las iglasty coniferous forest

Segetalne: red poppy, chamomile

Wastelands nieuzytki

Raised peat bogs torfowisko wysokie

Decidous forest- las liściasty

Roadside przydroże

Sandy grassland: yellow everlasting, heartsease

Ruderal: stinging nettle, white deadnettle

Factory: fires tourism, habitat fragmentation

Ex situ: seed banks, gene banks, field gene banks

In situ: passive protection: stabile ecosystems, like forests, active protection: pastouring, mowing, fertilizing

PP: ramsons, sweet woodruff

SP: bearberry, marsh tea, garden angelica


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