Rozprawka, Matura - teksty użytkowe

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Rozprawka może przybrać trzy formy: wypracowania, w którym przedstawiamy argumenty za i przeciw (for& against essays), wyrażamy własną opinię na podany temat (argumentative essay) lub tez podajemy rozwiązania problemu. We wszystkich trzech typach rozprawki należy zacząć od określenia tematu (problemu). Kolejne akapity zawierają argumentacje i przykłady. W zakończeniu podsumowujemy problem i przedstawiamy nasze opinie.

...... Przykład 4

Napisz wypracowanie w formie rozprawki na temat sensu istnienia organizacji międzynarodowych.








The 20th century saw the emergence of new international organizations: the European Union (EU), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the World Trade Organiza­tion (WTO) and many, many other organizations which are bodies set up by two or more countries regulating and dealing with all the problems concerning these countries. While most people believe that these new organizations are useful there are some who worry about the possible dangers to the national identity.

These who support the rise of the international organiza­tions claim that they are dedicated to the increased economic integration and strengthening cooperation among their members. They point out that they help balance the influence of superpowers like Russia, the USA or economic mightiness of Japan. Moreover, eliminating the borders and creating a sense of community prevents wars and conflicts among the members.

Yet there are some who dislike the idea of having interna­tional organisations. They claim that it is more difficult to control them as they are more distant from citizens. Too much freedom can also be dangerous. More developed countries are afraid of an influx of legal immigrants depriving their own citizens of workplaces. Poorer coun­tries worry that they will be forgotten and pushed aside.

It is extremely difficult to list all the possible effects of international organizations in the world. In my opinion international organisations should promote mutual understanding and well-being of their members and I think that people voicing their fears of losing their national identity do exaggerate.


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