przymiotniki i przysłówki


Uzupełnij luki przymiotnikiem w stopniu wyższym lub najwyższym. Pamiętaj o użyciu słówka „niż” (than) kiedy porównujesz osoby, sytuacje etc.

  1. Its ………………………………………… in the world. (dangerous)

  2. This is …………………………………..part of the country. (hot)

  3. Canada is ………………………………………….Brazil. (big)

  4. This is ………………………………..building in the city. (famous)

  5. The Nile is ………………………………………………..the Amazon. (long)

  6. This chair is …………………………………………………that chair. (comfortable)

  7. Chinese is one of ………………………………………languages to learn. (difficult)

  8. The Scots make ………………………………………….whisky in the world. (good)

  9. I am …………………………………….in my family. (tall)

  10. Her husband is …………………………………………her. (young)

  11. It's ……………………………………………dress in the shop. (pretty)

  12. That house is………………………………………in the street. (old)

  13. Buses are ……………………………………………..trains. (cheap)

  14. French wine is ……………………………………………..English wine. (good)

  15. Driving is ………………………………………flying. (dangerous)

  16. Tessa is……………………………………………….than Martha. (beautiful)

  17. Bill Gates is …………………………………….man in the world. (rich)

  18. Our homework was …………………………………… your homework. (easy)

  19. Tim is ………………………………………..Patrick. (short)

  20. Mosquitoes are ……………………………………………………..sharks. (dangerous)

Adjective or adverb. Wybierz odpowiednie słówko, które powinno znaleźć się w zdaniu. Prawidłową odpowiedź zaznacz podkreśleniem.

  1. Our teacher speaks very slow / slowly.

  2. Her German is perfect / perfectly.

  3. Everything happened very quick / quickly.

  4. The food was very good / well.

  5. Please drive careful / carefully.

  6. You can walk safe / safely at night in the city centre.

  7. My sister dresses very good/ well.

  8. The weather is terrible/ terribly tonight.

  9. I am a careful / carefully driver.

  10. He is very polite / politely.


Uzupełnij luki przymiotnikiem w stopniu wyższym lub najwyższym. Pamiętaj o użyciu słówka „niż” (than) kiedy porównujesz osoby, sytuacje etc.

  1. Its ………………………………………… in the world. (dangerous)

  2. This is …………………………………..part of the country. (hot)

  3. Canada is ………………………………………….Brazil. (big)

  4. This is ………………………………..building in the city. (famous)

  5. The Nile is ………………………………………………..the Amazon. (long)

  6. This chair is …………………………………………………that chair. (comfortable)

  7. Chinese is one of ………………………………………languages to learn. (difficult)

  8. The Scots make ………………………………………….whisky in the world. (good)

  9. I am …………………………………….in my family. (tall)

  10. Her husband is …………………………………………her. (young)

  11. It's ……………………………………………dress in the shop. (pretty)

  12. That house is………………………………………in the street. (old)

  13. Buses are ……………………………………………..trains. (cheap)

  14. French wine is ……………………………………………..English wine. (good)

  15. Driving is ………………………………………flying. (dangerous)

  16. Tessa is……………………………………………….than Martha. (beautiful)

  17. Bill Gates is …………………………………….man in the world. (rich)

  18. Our homework was …………………………………… your homework. (easy)

  19. Tim is ………………………………………..Patrick. (short)

  20. Mosquitoes are ……………………………………………………..sharks. (dangerous)

Adjective or adverb. Wybierz odpowiednie słówko, które powinno znaleźć się w zdaniu. Prawidłową odpowiedź zaznacz podkreśleniem.

  1. Our teacher speaks very slow / slowly.

  2. Her German is perfect / perfectly.

  3. Everything happened very quick / quickly.

  4. The food was very good / well.

  5. Please drive careful / carefully.

  6. You can walk safe / safely at night in the city centre.

  7. My sister dresses very good/ well.

  8. The weather is terrible/ terribly tonight.

  9. I am a careful / carefully driver.

  10. He is very polite / politely.


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