KLUCZ, 1.Wypowiedź pisemna PP

0x08 graphic
Rozdział III Wypowiedź pisemna

Poziom podstawowy



Przykład 1. str.124

Pocztówka rozpoczyna się od zwrotu grzecznościowego. Każ­dy poruszony temat omówiony jest w odrębnym akapicie. Koń­czy się ona zwrotem grzecznościowym i podpisem.

Przykład 2. str.124


Greetings from Madrid! It's hot and I'm having the time of my life!

The town is great. I have already visited the Prado Mu­seum and I liked it a lot. I must say I'm not too happy with the food. I hate sea food and dislike paella. But never mind.

What are vou up to? Hope your holidays are just as great.



Dear Aunt Helen,

I would like to send very warm greetings from Madrid. The weather is stunningly beautiful and I am truly enjoying my stay in this magnificent town.

I have already visited the Prado Museum. I was most impressed. The only thing I am not too happy about is the food. I do not particularly like sea food and I am rather not fond of paella. But everything else is absolutely perfect.

I hope vou are in good health.

Wishing vou all the best.


Przykład 3II. str.125 Pier Mike.

I'm in Zakopane with my das. The place we are is nice. Whether is good, ideal to sking.

Yesterday we had adiner in'Redykotka'and danced.

Tomorow we went on Kasprowy.

Love, XYZ



Powinno być





The place we are

The place we are staying at


The weather

ideal to skiing

ideal for skiing





went on

are going to get on

Oto poprawiona wersja tej pocztówki:


I'm in Zakopane with my class. The place we are staying at is very nice. The weather is good, ideal for skiing.

Yesterday we had dinner in 'Redykolka 'and danced.

Tomorrow we're going to get on Kasprowy.

Love, XYZ

Przykład 4II. str.126

Dear Mr and Mrs Jackson,

I am writing to tell you that I have reached my home safely.

Thank you once again for the unforoetable time I spent in your house. The conditions were very good. I found my room very comfortable and the food I was served was realy deli­cious.

My parents are also very grateful to you.

If you ever want to visit Poland, we would be very pleased to ha ve you to stay.





Powinno być


The food 1 was served



The food that you cooked


Oto poprawiona wersja tej pocztówki:

Dear Mr and Mrs Jackson,

lam writing to tell you that I have reached my home safely.

Thank you once again for the unforgettable time I spent in your house. The conditions were very good. I found my room very comfortable and the food that you cooked was really delicious.

My parents are also very grateful to you.

If you ever want to visit Poland, we would be very pleased to have you to stay.




Zadanie 1. str.127

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Ian,

Greetings from Rome! I'm living in a small hotel not far from the Colloseum. It's next to a beautiful park, where I can get a rest in the shade of cypress trees after a long day of sightseeing in the sweltering heat.

I've already seen the monumental ruins of the Roman Forum but I haven't visited any museums yet.

I'll give you a ring on Saturday, July 22nd, at about 10 p.m. I'm anxious to hear how things are and, obviously, I'm worried aboutAzorek.

Love and kisses,


Zadanie 2. str.127 Przykładowa wypowiedź:


Finally we moved into our new flat! It's on the 2nd floor of a big block of flats in a quiet neighbourhood, not far from the city centre.

The flat is just lovely. It's got three rooms, a rather spacious living room with a fireplace, an airy kitchen, a bathroom and an amazingly big balcony.

My room is all in pink, my favourite colour. On my window sill there is a clay pot with lavender. The smell of lavender is very relaxing. The room isn't fully furnished yet. I'm still looking fora computer desk.

I hope you will visit me soon. How about a two-week holiday in Wroclaw in the summer?



0x08 graphic
Zadanie 3. str.127

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Auntie Helen,

Yesterday I took the last of my 'matura' - school leavers' exams. The exams were not too difficult maybe except for Polish. We were given a philosophical text to read and I'm not sure whether I got all the answers in the comprehension test correct.

My plane to Canada leaves on Wednesday, 30 June, at 5 p.m. and is due to land in Toronto at 10 a.m. your time. So I'm heading for Canada in only a week's time! I haven't packed yet. I'd like to buy some maps before I go.

Is there anything I could bring for you? I'll phone you Saturday evening to confirm the dates and ask if you've got any special wishes. See you soon.

Best wishes,

W Zadanie 4. str.127

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear David, Jane, Andrew and Mike,

We wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

We've been very busy with our jobs and family life this year. Our grandma presented us with a puppy - a little Dalmatian, Aza. At first we took turns to walk her every two hours day and night. She got more stable with walks.

I passed the university entrance exam this year. I'm very proud of myself because I am now a sociology student.

Would you like to join us on our summer holidays. We're going to go camping to the south of France. The destination is not definite yet.

With much love,

XYZ and Family

Zadanie 5. str.127

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Tom,

So it's your 18th birthday next week. Many happy returns of the day and may all your birthday wishes come true.

Are you planning anything special this year or is it going to be a party on your dad's yacht as in previous years? Yesterday I sent you a present by air mail. I'm afraid it will take some time before it reaches you, however.

Do consider coming for a holiday to Poland this year. We could go to the Mazury Lake District to sail a bit. If you come, I promise I will throw a party the like no one has heard of in Kraków before.

Hope to see you soon.





Przykład 1. str. 128

Julia i Tom być może są rodzeństwem, mieszkają razem

z rodzicami i kotem pod jednym dachem. Julia może być też

gościem z Polski, mieszkającym w ramach wymiany u rodziny


Skróty, symbole i znaki graficzne:

& = and

Uncle S.= prawdopodobnie Uncle Ben/Bob/Bany

'6 = half

+ = and

5=five o'clock

Inne skróty powszechnie stosowane w notatkach:

a.m. = in the morning

p.m. = in the evening

Sat. = Saturday, dla pozostałych dni tygodnia Mon. = Monday,

Tue. = Tuesday, Wed. = Wednesday, Thu. = Thursday,

Fri. = Friday, Sun. = Sunday

Przykład 2. str. 128

Funkcje komunikacyjne notatek:

  1. przekazanie informacji

  2. podziękowanie i zaproszenie

  3. instrukcja

Cechy notatki prywatnej:

**' Sat. = Saturday

min = minutes

brak zaimka „I" np. Passed the exam, Call you later this week.


Zadanie 1. str. 131

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Bob, Classes end at 5. Have lunch in the canteen

(tomato soup + roast beef).

Left vouchers at the secretariat/school office.

Please wait in the canteen or the reading room

(Newsweek available in English).

Hope you liked the museum.

See you,


Zadanie 2. str. 131

Przykładowa wypowiedź:


Still so much to do before the party. Help!

Buy a.m.: 2 kilo of cheese,

6 packets of crackers, 2 jars of green olives,

and 1A kilo of tomatoes.

Blow as many balloons as you can

(the blue ones with stars).

I can't any more - I'm out of breath.

Don't forget to borrow the EU anthem from the German girls.

(I think the blonde German girl Angelika's got the cassette.)

Remind the Czechs about the party.


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Zadanie 3. str. 131

Przykładowa wypowiedź:


Met Adam, my schoolmate, down the High Street a.m.

Off with Adam fora walk along the Canal.

Dinner around 7 in the Black Horse. Please join us.


Zadanie 4. str. 131 Przykładowa wypowiedź:


Keep it as long as you like. I've read it twice for school so I won't

need it for the time being. If you find it too difficult to read, see

the film first. Two versions exist: a TV serial & a big screen

version. The one with Tyszkiewicz and Kamas recommended.

Must really get together to discuss it, maybe next weekend?


Zadanie 5. str. 131

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Auntie Marie,

Uncle phoned. Changed his plane reservation from Sun. to Tue. due to a leakage. Water pipe to be fixed by Mon. (Plumber promised.) Pussy's fine. Return the call a.s.a.p. to tell Uncle the key code to your electricity and water mains box.


Przykład 1. str. 132 Sekcja Podróże (Travel):

swimpool = swimming pool

& = and

Sekcja Nieruchomości (Property London Rentals):

apt = apartment

H/smith Bridge = HSmmersmith Bridge

Hi-Ceilings = high ceilings

unfurn = unfurnished

pm = per month

ft = foot (miara powierzchni)

Przykład 2. str. 132

(b) I want to sell a photo camera of an exceptional image
quality. I
can offer a bargain price. Please call me.
My name is Anne Smith and my telephone number
is 7654321.

[c) I want to sell a lady's city bike. It is in good condition
and it has a comfortable saddle. I can offer a bargain
price. Please contact me. My name is Joan Cole and I am
in Class 6D.

Przykład 3. str. 133

[b) I am interested in buying a laptop. I need it for computer graphics. I can only pay up to £120. Please contact Ted. I am in Class 2B.

(c) I'm selling a guitar. It sounds great and it is in perfect condition. It's two years old and I'm asking £60 for it. Please call me. My name is David Newton and my telephone number is 7162534.

For sale


Great sound

Perfect condition

Two years old

Bargain price - only £60

Call David Newton

Tel.: 7162534

Przykład 5. str. 134


Sweater losed.

Sweater V-neck, kaki, extra big, wollen type.

I love it becose I get it for my birtday.

Finded it, call me.

(Franek Kowalski)



Powinno być

Losed, losed

Lost, lost



extra big



extra large woolen (woollen) because

birtday finded

birthday find

Przymiotniki wymienione w nieprawidłowej kolejności

Extra large, khaki, woolen, V-neck

Brak numeru telefonu

Brak okoliczności

zgubienia swetra Brak niektórych przedimków i zaimków

Oto poprawiona wersja tego ogłoszenia:


My favourite sweater is lost.

I probably left it on the back of a chair in the show room.

The sweater is extra large, khaki, woolen, V-neck type.

I love it because I got it for my birthday.

If you have found it, please call me.

Franek Kowalski. Tel.: 1234567


Zadanie 1. str. 135

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

0x01 graphic


Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary

Possibly 2002 edition or more recent

Can pay up to £12

Call Joasia Polka after 8 p.m.

Tel.: 9876543

0x08 graphic
Zadanie 2. str.135

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

HELP ENDANGERED SPECIES Join in the discussion list to exchange ideas on how to help animals in danger of extinction. Send info about endangered species in your country/region. Organise your local community to act now to protect them. Spread the news about our site and list among those who care.

Zadanie 3. str.135 Przykładowa wypowiedź:

CHEAP SEAT TO EDINBURGH I'm going for the weekend (June 5&6)to Edinburgh in a rented car and looking for anyone to join me on the ride and share the costs. The total cost would be approx. £30 on the A1 andA68. Please call Jurek Słoneczko after 9 p.m. Tel: 6666666

Zadanie 4. str.135 Przykładowa wypowiedź:

CONVERSATION IN ENGLISH NEEDED I'm intermediate and looking for a native speaker to hold conversation with. Topics from everyday life. May offer Polish conversation in exchange. Leave a message on the board. Beata B.

Zadanie 5. str.135

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

ENGLISH BOOKS FLEA MARKET Search your attic for English and American fiction and bring the unwanted books to our flea market. Books in the original welcome. The market will be organised in the main hall of our school during the long breaks on Mon., 5 April. Come to sell and buy the bestsellers at low prices. The market is for you to let you read more for less money. Reading is trendy and you are a trendsetter. For further information contact Krzyś and Grześ in 3C.




Przykład 1. str.136

Come and celebrate, Please join us for, Please be our guest

at... to mniej oficjalne zwroty zapraszające.

Thomas and Mary Browning request the pleasure of your

company at... to zwrot bardzo formalny.

Inne zwroty zapraszające to m.in:

To Barbara. Anna in vites you to...

It is a great pleasure to invite you to...

Barbara cordially invites Anna to...

Mr and Mrs Cormack request the honour of the presence of Mr

and Mrs Tormic at dinner...

Mr and Mrs Cormack request the honour of your presence at

a party to celebrate...

Mr and Mrs Cormack have pleasure in inviting Mr McKoy to...

Zwróć również uwagę na nagłówek We've finally settled in,

który dodatkowo informuje, z jakiej okazji zaproszenie jest


Przykład 3. str.137

Zwrot zapraszający: [teachers & students] request the honoui of your presence. Odbiorcą jest ambasador Wielkiej Brytanii, ale zaproszenie to może być skierowane do ambasadora lub konsula któregoś z krajów Unii Europejskiej, albo do przed­stawiciela polskich władz państwowych lub samorządowych.

Techers and Student of our Shool

request the honour of your presence at a concerto

'Wellcome Europa' in the Kraków Philharmonia

on Saturdev. 13 Marz. 2004 at 6p.m.

to marking Poland's acession to the Europien Union.

In the program: songs in the oficial languages of member

states singed by our students.

0x01 graphic

Oto poprawiona wersja tego ogłoszenia:

Teachers and Students of our School request the honour of your presence at the concert 'Welcome Europe'in the Kraków Philharmonic (Hall)

on Saturday, 13 March, 2004 at 6 p.m.

to mark Poland's accession to the European Union.

In the programme: songs in the official languages of member

states sung by our students.


Zadanie 1. str. 138

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Jurek Kowalski and Janek Nowak

are holding a Polish party in the Dining Room

on Saturday, 10 July, at 8.00 p.m. and will be pleased

to treat you to Bigos, a traditional Polish cabbage dish,

and teach you the Mazur, a traditional Polish dance.

R.S.V.P. before or on 7th July

Jurek - Room 5 and Janek - Room 10.

0x08 graphic
Zadanie 2. str. 138 Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Zofia Nałkowska Lyceum in Kraków

cordially invites you to

a theatre production based on W. Shakespeare's Hamlet,

'To Be or Not To Be',

staged on Saturday, 22nd June, at 6 p.m.

in the schoolyard, in case of rainy weather

inside the school building (ul. Skarbińskiego 5).

The performance has been prepared by Class IA

for the School's Annual Theatre Festival.

The group of actors from 7 A' has won First Prize

at the European Youth Theatre Competition this year.

Zadanie 3. str. 138

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Please join us for the last skiing weekend of the season in Bukowina Tatrzańska. Departure from the schoolyard Saturday, 3April, at6a.m. Return Sunday, 4 April, at 6p.m. We are staying overnight at the Harnaś hotel for 50 PLN (meals included). Lots of sunshine and a thick snow guaranteed on Olczański Wierch. Saturday night special programme -a sheep roast at the local inn followed by sleigh rides. R.S.V.P. on or before 2 April to Gosia. Tel. 8888888.

Zadanie 4. str. 138

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Zofia Nałkowska Lyceum in Kraków

cordially invites Mr John Cox, MEP

[Member of the European Parliament]

for the opening session of the school's debating society

on Monday, 5 April, at 6 p.m. ul. Skarbińskiego 5

In the programme:

  1. Introductory speech by the Headmaster

  2. How to debate the English way?, lecture by Mr Timothy Smith, British Council

  3. School as an unnecessary burden, debate by society members.

The debating society has been invited to participate in the summer sessions of the Polish parliament.

Zadanie 5. str. 138

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

The Summer School of Polish Language

cordially invites you to The Inauguration Ceremony

The Słowacki Theatre

PI. Św. Ducha 1

Saturday, 26 June 2004, 7 a.m:

Lecture 'What is the new Europe worth?'by Professor

Tadeusz Tutka followed by a concert of Polish Renaissance

songs performed by the Old Choir. After the ceremony all are

welcome to a glass of champagne at the theatre bar.



Przykład 3. str.140

Ankieta zawiera pytania otwarte.

Przykład 4. str. ho

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

  1. Tm not a frequent user. The coaches are clean and not very crowded. The service seems reliable. The fare is too high.

  2. Not as effective as it was advertised: doesn't remove stains, doesn't clean well in low temperatures. Makes your white things grey.


Zadanie 1. str. 142

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

  1. I've got 3 hours of English and it's not enough.

  2. / hate the coursebook. It's extremely boring. The texts are about the same topics in all English textbooks.

  3. My teacher spends too much time explaining grammar and correcting all our mistakes.

  4. / haven't made too much progress. There are not enough opportunities to practise speaking.

Zadanie 2. str. 142

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

  1. We recycle glass, paper and plastic: We keep separate bins at home for glass, paper and plastic, and once a month my father packs all that we've collected into our car and takes it to public recycling bins (to be found in each quarter of the city) from where the city authorities arrange transports to recycling companies.

  2. My parents usually go to work by car. My sister and I go to school by bike and on a rainy day or in winter by tram.

  3. We use only energy saving bulbs and we never run the washing machine with a half-full load.

  4. We are rather careless about water: Our parents keep telling us that we take longer showers than needed and forget to turn the tap off when brushing our teeth.

Zadanie 3. str. 142 Przykładowa wypowiedź:

  1. My fa vourite is jazz but I like to listen to ethnic music too.

  2. / used to play a recorder when in primary school.

  1. Not a good idea. There should be some time left for interacting with fellow students (e.g. flirting with girls).

  2. If music must be played, please make it quiet so that you can be heard and can hear the person you are talking to.

Zadanie 4. str. 142

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

  1. After my arrival on L0755 it didn't appear at the baggage reclaim on the carrousel.

  2. A small brown natural leather suitcase.

  3. It contained some men's underwear, 3 shirts, 2 ties, a Polish-English dictionary and a present for my aunt -an embroidered linen tablecloth.

  4. 400 PLN/80 EUR

0x08 graphic
Zadanie 5. str. 142 Przykładowa wypowiedź:

  1. Owner: very open, friendly person, always ready to help. Rooms: nice and big. The only weak point: beds not hard enough which results in terrible backache in the morning.

  2. Traditional English breakfast is fine when you're on holiday as it keeps you going till late afternoon.

  3. Beautiful scenery for walks. The combination of mountains and sea makes the place really picturesque. Two problems for me: not enough public footpaths and very changeable weather.

  1. / found the ad in the latest edition of a Welsh B&B guide.

Wiadomość e-mail


Przykład 1. str. 143

Wiadomość została napisana w stylu nieformalnym.


Przykład 2. str. 143

Wiadomość została napisana w stylu formalnym.

Przykład 3. str. 144


I've just given my presentation about Scotland. I was a bit stressed but my teacher and class told me it was great. They liked most the part about the Scottish kilt.

Thanks for all the materials for the presentation. I had a problem with downloading the attached files because I didn't know my e-mail box was full. Happily I managed to solve the problem quickly. I'm really grateful to you for everything you sent.

I hope you are well. Love, XYZ

Przykład 4. str. 144

/ am a secondary school student from Poznań, Poland. This

year I am taking my school leavers' exams. Next year I would

like to study history at your university. Please inform me how to

apply. I would also like to enquire about any possibilities of

receiving a scholarship to cover tuition fees. I expect to get the

highest score in my history exam.

Thank you in advance for all your help.



Zadanie 1. str. 145

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Tom,

I've got a summer job to pick raspberries at a farm near

Inverness in Scotland from 1 August. Could I stop by you on my

way to Scotland? I would be grateful if you would buy the

cheapest return ticket from London to Inverness for me. I shall

need a ticket to arrive in Inverness one day before the contract

begins. I would prefer the ticket to be an open return. Will it be

all right if I give you back the money for the ticket when we




Zadanie 2. str. 145

Przykładowa wypowiedź została napisana przez bardzo

dobrego językowo ucznia:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Last year I purchased a computer with your DVD-Player

program installed on it. Yesterday the program stopped

working. It displayed a message that the licence had expired

and I should contact you for information on how to renew the

licence. Could you let me know how much another licence will

cost and how long it will be for?

Yours sincerely,


Zadanie 3. str. 145

Przykładowa wypowiedź:


Harry, my friend from Chicago who is currently visiting me, will

have his 17th birthday on Saturday next week. I would like to

organise a surprise party for him. I invite you all to Błonia in

Kraków (opposite the entrance to ParkJordana) next Saturday

at 5 p.m. Please bring a bottle of your favourite drinkanda pack

of your favourite snacks. Also, invite all your friends and tell

them to bring their drinks and snacks.

Looking forward to seeing you all.



Zadanie 4. str. 145

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Sam,

I've come up with an idea to invite some of my school friends and organise an English tea party for them with English spoken only. We need to practise speaking before our finals so I thought such a party would be of interest. I'd like my party to be as English as possible. Here I need your advice. Shall I invite everyone for 5 or is a later hour acceptable? I'm not sure how to brew tea the English way. I know the tea is made in a tea pot but how many spoonfuls of tea shall I put in it? When do you add milk to your tea: Do you pour the milk first or the tea first into your cup? What kind of snack can I serve? I heard about cucumber sandwiches. How do you make them? Finally, what do the English talk about at such parties: is it the weather or politics?

Looking forward to your answer. XYZ

0x08 graphic
Zadanie 5. str. 145

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Explorer 2,

My sincere congratulations for the programme about dogs you presented yesterday evening. While you were trying to answer one of the most intriguing questions why dogs can communicate with people better than other animals, I realised how little we know about the world that surrounds us. I would like to listen to similar programmes more often as I believe there are too few opportunities to learn interesting facts about creatures that live so close to us. Next time I would love to hear something about the life of flies or mosquitoes or any other creature whose life we take for granted. XYZ

List prywatny


Przykład 2. str. 149 Dear Stan,

We finally arrived in Paris. It's a wonderful/fantastic city. We are staying at a huge hotel which has pleasant/beautiful/ spacious/cosy rooms. We had planned to go sightseeing today but the weather is awful/terrible. Hopefully, it will be a better day tomorrow.

See you soon,


Przykład 3. str.150

Poprawiony list:

Dear Lisa,

Hello! My name is Joasia Kowalska and I'm your new pen-friend. I'm eighteen years old and I'm Polish. I live in Bielsko--Biala, Poland.

My father's name is Grzegorz. He's a film director. My mother's name is Barbara and she's a teacher. She teaches Maths and Physics. I've got a brother, Janek, andasister, Ania. I'm tall with blonde hair and glasses. I'vegotadog. Hisnameis Burek.

I love fantasy books. My favourite author is Tolkien. I've seen the film The Lord of the Rings a hundred times and can't wait to see the next parts on the big screen. One day I'm going to write fantasy myself.

Please write soon and tell me all about yourself.

Best wishes,

Joasia Kowalska


Zadanie 1. str. 152

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Melisa,

Hi - how are you? I hope you are having a great summer. I had a fantastic time in Jaworki (in the Polish mountains). Well, we stayed on a sheep farm, not in a hotel, but I must admit it was fantastic. In the evening, when the sheep returned from the pasture, we helped the shepherd (Polish: baca) to milk them. He showed us how to make sheep cheese (oscypek). It tastes lovely when fresh.

We spent most of the days hiking in the mountains. We also learnt how to ride a horse. It was good fun except for the few times when I fell off and hit my bum. I've still got bruises.

The night before we left we made a bonfire. We sang highlanders'songs and jumped overthe fire.

We had a wonderiul time. I'll send you some photographs later. Take care-and write soon!

With love,


Zadanie 2. str. 152 Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Mark,

Thanks for your invitation to your Christmas party on December the 18th.

I was really pleased to receive it and I'd love to come. It's lucky forme that you chose the 18th, actually, as it's the only day of the week that I'm free. I will take the overnight train to Prague, arrive in the morning, spend the day with you and take a late train back to Gdańsk.

It's been such a long time since we saw each other so it will be great to get together and catch up on all the news. Please let me know if there's anything I can do to help with the prepara­tion.

Oh, one other thing. Will it be all right if I bring Joasia, my girlfriend? She is a wonderful girl and I'm sure you 'II like her.

Thanks again, and see you on the 18th.

Best wishes,


Zadanie 3. str. 152

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Mrs Jennings,

I'm writing to thankyou fora wonderful stay at your B&B.

The room was very comfortable. It was so relaxing to sit in the deep armchair and read a thriller from your collection late at night. Through the open window I could see the dark sky lit with thousands of stars and listen to birds singing. Before I went to bed you always asked if I wanted hot chocolate to have sweet dreams.

You created a truly homely atmosphere. It was an honour to be your guest at your birthday party. Moreover I'll always remember the trip we took to the Welsh coast. Despite the cold wind we took a bath in the freezing sea water and managed to carry out a long discussion about life.

I hope you 'II find some time to visit me in Poland next year to continue our talks.

Best wishes,


0x08 graphic
Zadanie 4. str. 152

Przykładowa wypowiedź:


I'm writing to tell you about a splendid exhibition I saw in Paris.

After the first week in that city I felt really disappointed with all its tourist attractions. The Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Galleries were so overcrowded you couldn't really appreciate them. Even in the most awaited Musee d'Orsay with its Impressionist collection it was impossible to stop and study the paintings properly without being pushed over by other visitors.

And then I found my way to the Rodin Museum in a mansion surrounded by a beautiful garden. Although it is in the middle of a hectic city, the place seemed peaceful!. I spent the whole day thinking of the sculptures exhibited there. I know that I'm not original but I liked especially the two most famous works of Rodin, The Thinker andThe Kiss.

If you ever go to Paris, that museum is a must. I'll never forgetit.



Zadanie 5. str. 152

Przykładowa wypowiedź:


You'll never guess what happened to me last weekend.

My friends and I decided to go cross-country skiing to the Gorce Mountains last Saturday. We started in Koninki, from where we took a lift, and were heading towards Turbacz, the highest peak in the range. On our way we were talking cheerfully and laughing a lot.

Suddenly we heard a strange noise. It reminded us of heavy trucks but we thought it absurd. The path we were going along was rather narrow as on both of its sides there were big snow drifts. The noise stopped so we went on. And then from behind a sharp bend we could see some roaring machines moving at high speed towards us. My friend shouted, "Watch out! Snowmobiles!" We thrust ourselves into the deep drifts. We certainly looked funny all covered in snow with the skis overourheads.

It was a really narrow escape. I still haven't recovered from the shock.



List formalny


Przykład 2. str. 156

  1. Sir/Madam

  2. complain about

  3. car enhancements

  4. I am entitled to

  5. receive your immediate attention

  6. Yours faithfully

Przykład 3. str. 157

  1. To begin with

  2. although

  3. Moreover

  4. Despite

  5. Finally


Zadanie 1. str. 159

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Sir/Madam, 15May2004

I am writing with reference to your advertisement in The World of English, offering an English Language and Theatre course. I am interested in the course very much and would like some further information.

Firstly, I would like to know a little more about the course schedule. For instance, could you please tell me how long the course lasts, and how many hours a week it in volves ? I would also like to know whether there are classes on Saturdays.

In addition, I would appreciate information about the organised trips mentioned in your advertisement. I am interested to know which cities you will visit. Could you also inform me if students are allowed to invite their friends to join them on these trips?

With thanks for your time and assistance.

Yours faithfully,


Zadanie 2. str. 159

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Sir/Madam, 20April2004

We are writing to request some support in our search for a sponsor of the bicycle tour around Ireland.

We are students of the Zofia Nałkowska Lyceum in Kraków and last year we founded the School's Irish Club. The club meetings are held once a week. We watch films, listen to music and learn Irish folk dances. Recently, we have considered studying Gaelic but finding materials turned out to be impos­sible.

We would like to set off for Ireland these holidays. Our plan is to take bicycles and ride from Dublin to the south of the island. We are going to sleep in tents and we have managed to save some money to buy food on our tour. However, we cannot afford to cover the tra vel expenses from Poland to Dublin.

If it were possible for you to suggest any institution that could be of assistance in that matter we would be most grateful.

Thank you in advance.

Yours faithfully,


Zadanie 3. str. 159

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Sir/Madam, 25July2004

I am writing to complain about the service I received on the Gatwick Express last Sunday.

I was going on the 7.30 train from London to Gatwick airport to catch my plane to Poland. The train was delayed by half an hour. As a result I reached the airport too late to catch myplane.

I still do not understand why the train stopped halfway and did not move for half an hour. I made enquiries about it at the customer service but was not given a satisfactory explanation. The argument used by a customer assistant that there had been some lea ves on the track sounds ridiculous.

As I was forced by LOT Polish airlines to buy another ticket formy flight I strongly demand a refund from your company.

Yours faithfully,


0x08 graphic
Zadanie 4. str.159

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Mr Modrzewski, 15 May 2004

I am writing to request a letter of reference from you.

I used to be your student in your 1999 class at the Zofia Nałkowska Lyceum in Kraków. At the beginning I was the worst student but later I much improved and wrote a script in English of a performance based on George Mikes's How to Be an Alien. It was a great success at the School's Theatre Festival in 2000.

Now I am a student of geography at the Jagiellonian University. Recently, I have been given a chance to continue my studies at Boston College. Since school times I have been interested in migration and going to the United States would allow me to learn more about the situation of immigrants there. Therefore, I would be most grateful if you could write a letter of reference and send it to Boston College. Please find enclosed a stamp addressed envelope.

Thank you in advance.

Yours sincerely,


Zadanie 5. str.159

Przykładowa wypowiedź:

Dear Mrs Spencer, 15April2004

I am writing to apply for the position of tour guide which was advertised in this week's issue offheRoker Gazette.

/ am a nineteen-year-old student from Kraków. This spring I am taking the school leavers' examination. I speak fluent English and French. In summer I am visiting my uncle in England for two months. In July I am going to attend a summer course and in August I am planing to take up a summer job and do some sightseeing. The advertised job would give me the opportunity to combine both.

Last summer I wgrked as a guide in the National Museum, Kraków, showing the collection to foreign visitors.

As my references show, I am a hardworking and reliable person. I also enjoy meeting people and am considered to be friendly and enthusiastic.

I enclose my CV and would be glad to attend an interview at any time convenient to you in July.

Yours sincerely,



Podobne podstrony:
6.Wiadomość email, 1.Wypowiedź pisemna PP
8.List formalny, 1.Wypowiedź pisemna PP
3.Ogłoszenie, 1.Wypowiedź pisemna PP
2.Notatka, 1.Wypowiedź pisemna PP
5.Ankieta, 1.Wypowiedź pisemna PP
1.Pocztówka, 1.Wypowiedź pisemna PP
4.Zaproszenie, 1.Wypowiedź pisemna PP
7.List prywatny, 1.Wypowiedź pisemna PP
6.Wiadomość email, 1.Wypowiedź pisemna PP
Formy wypowiedzi pisemnych w klasach I III list f uzytk w 12
2. Obchodziłaśłeś swoje urodziny, Dłuższa wypowiedź pisemna
Pocztowka 1, Krótka wypowiedź pisemna
formy wypowiedzi pisemnej
Ogloszenie 5, Krótka wypowiedź pisemna
Ogloszenie 3, Krótka wypowiedź pisemna
Klucz do zadań PP

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