Anglia (4)

Anglia (4)

Morc rcar-scat spacc than cvcr bcforc!... you can mcasurc thc cxtra spacc -with a tapc, if you likc, or simply by thc plcasurc of your passcngcrs whcn thcy discovcr this ncw Anglia rcar-scat roomincss! Rcally gencrous spacc for thc longcst lcgs—and for thc taUcst hcads, too, for thc rakcd-back rear window makcs possiblc thc provision of inches of cxtra hcadroom.

The widc rcar seat is foam-rubber cushioncd and attractivcly upholstcrcd in a choicc of gay and hardwcaring two-tonc raateriaLs. Each passenger has pcrfcct all-round vision and thc convcnicnccs of pcrsonal ashtrays and fingertip control of thc opening rcar quartcr window.

Easicr cntranccs andcxits than you’vc cvcr madę bcforc!.. At last hcrc's a light car with doors that arc practical— cnormous doors which mean you can get in and out quickly without knocking hcads or knees or rum in stockings! This door is 43" widc, shuts with a gcntlc click (no nced to slam) stays open whcn you want it to, has a largc, quick-winding window plus quartcr-window vcntilator with ncw-typc fool proof fastener, and is liandsomcly trinnned in modern two-tonc shades with largc padded arin rest for safc-and-surc closing.

Sec how thc ncw-stylc hood (shccr joy to sit bchind!) slopcs graccfully down to thc sparkling, gcncly-rakcd grille, thc classic contour of which is complctcd by thc ncatly combined parking lights and dircctional signals. The handsoinc bumper is pcrfectly positioncd and strcngthcncd—to givc rcal protcction from all dircctions.

The low-built acrodynamic linc providcs pcrfcct forward vision and lowcrs air rcsistancc to thc minimum—incans that much less engine power is lost battling against thc wind. Bright-cappcd hcadlamp hoods add clcgancc, rcducc glarc and —by clcarly defining thc forward cxtrcmitics of thc car—make tight-corncr parking and manocuvring simplc.    Ł

Grille, sidc-light assemblies, hcadlamp hood

cappings and windshicld sidc cappings    W"I

arc finishcd in bright metal.    M'I


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