Å‚an Norbury 456789
ISBN: 0-941936-43-0
Ali rights rcserved. No part of ihis book may be reproduced or transmittcd in any form or by any mcans, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, rccording, or by any information storage and rctricval system, without written permission from thc publisher. exccpt for thc inclusion of briefquotations in rcvicws.
Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Information
Norbury, Å‚an.
Carving facial expressions / Å‚an Norbury.
p. cm.
ISBN o-941936-43-0
1. Wood-carving—Techniąue. 2. Facial expression in art. 3. Face in art. I. Title TT199.7.N65 1997
736’.4—dc21 97-36116
© 1997 łan Norbury Printed in thc United States of America
LINDEN PUBLISHING INC 2006 S. MARY FRESNO, CA 93721 800-345-4447
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2 p1 Dane oryginału Choa Kok Sui Pranie psychotherapy Copyright © 1989 by Choa Kok Sui Ali rights reCopyright 2008 by Alaya Dawn Johnson AU rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or t© 2007 by Colleen Coble. Ali rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a(740) □ NATIONALGEOCRAPHIC.COM Photograph by Sam Abell ©2005 National Geographic Society. Ali rights(958) ] NATIONALGEOCRAPHIC.COM Photograph by Sam Abell ©2005 National Geographic Sociely. Ali rightscarving?cee CARVING FACIAL EXPKESS10NSłan Norbury In thisbook master carver, lan Norbury, providesacarving?ce CarvingFACIAL EXPRESSIONS łan Norbury LINDEN PUBLISIIING FRESNO, CAUFORMAcarving?ce 3THE EXPRESSIVE FACE Having seen an example of a passive expression, and how it is creatcarving?ce! The Expressive Face 21 Fig. 39 Fig. 38 In Fig. 38, the nose has been developed, the -ostcarving?ce# The Expressive Face -■g. 43 Fig. 44 Carvings, unless they are portraitcarving?ce9 Rangę of Expressions 39 Figs 80-81 ANGER Figs 80 and 81 show the face of aggression in wcarving?ceC 1Rangę of Expressions 43 Fig. 87 (Detail from Box of Delights) Fig. 88 Shylockcarving?ceB 42 Rangę of Expressions FNVY Figs 85, 86, 87 and 88 are my rather theatrical ideas of enwięcej podobnych podstron