M Sharing probiems: problem s ha ring can contr! butę to encouragement and progress ail around, it is not a unl-directional process. li Successes
Mdjf fPZ/Zii! /)fJ3 (formaiiy structured to make surę everyone participates and oenefits): ^ •
$5 dsiJi % i'0 'A ki’óą : a problem is brought to the rneeting that may
demand some specifte-action, innovation or change in policy (e.g, inadequate assessment procedures), participants discuss the problem in order to achieve consensus.
9 ,<fjjyfrjjjidi y: one of the memhers of staff begins the rneeting
by making a presentation (e.g. a problem they have had). The presentation os followęd-by open discussion-
^ . i! Mdi j la l 0 1: in tum, each teacher suggests a teaching idea
they^have used recently and describ^s how it went.
■ mdi av Q Ci A .ZWMIOM’- the Staff decide
together on a topie*which they wouid like to study. One of the members of Staff initiates a session on this topie based on a teacher-training or teacher-development activity (e.g. one of the units of a methodology book).
2. What: can you do foutsSde the immediate resourc.es of your own institution':
b) Mj |
&aKk&Q, L/tyfim.mJku |
c) stidWftń , fl d rnyM | |
d) jfkl/ wfUdńb |
i AlMt0 ........... |
-1 ®^ --7- |
ftfoabć ffffŁfr IchfftH (methods/techniques) by presenting them at a
confereriie or by writing an articie, book, coursebook, supplementary materiais, Computer software, audio cassettes, videos etc. The best materiais are those written by authors who are thernseives practising teachers and ahve had extensive teaching experience.
4. Cfassroom research: systematic seif-critical enquiry a) action research
Doff, A. 1990. Teach English. A Training Coursefor Teachers. CUP Cambridge, p. 278-282 Harmer, J. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. Harlow: Longman p. 410-425 iMunan, D., C. Lamb. 1995. The Self-direcied Teacher. CUP: Cambridge.
Richards, J. C., Ch. Lockhart. 1994. Refiective Teaching in Second Language Classmoms. CUP: Cambridge.
Scrivener, J. 1994. Learning Teaching. Oxford: Heinemann p.p.195-200 Ur, P. 1996. A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge: CUP p. 318-327 Waliace, M. J. 1993. Training Foreign Language Teachers. A Reflective Approach. CUP: Cambridge.