interes te d in syBtemB or organisation. Organized inBtitute tendts to produce patternized prisoners of a sysłemizod concept, and the in^tructors are often
fjxed in a rowtoie* Of course. wbat is wors-e is by imposmff the jnember t.o
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fit a Jifeiess pre-formalion, tbeir nslural growtb «re Mocked^He employs a minimum of form to lead bis student to the fornaless. Furtherniore.. he points out the inipont.arjce of beinę -łbie to enter a mould but not bcing caged ij* ii; or to foJiow lLe prmciplen wiihout being bounjj by thom, for a pliable, choicelees ohserystion without exctuslon i a so eeftential in JKJ.), or martia.1
art---an "aitogether alert awareness" without its center or its elrcumferonce;
to be in it, but not of it. Above all, izt Hocs not depend on a meihod and driiJ fiyfitematic routineB; insiead, be studies eaeb indiyirlual student and awakens Hm io exp)or« hiuiBelf* both internally and esternslly, and ultiwiately integrating himself wi.t.h his being. Such teaching, whieh ia rcally no teaehing, ro^uires a sensitlve mind wtth great flexibi.lity and is difficult to come by nowadays.
Sjneore and sorious learners are equally dLfficuU to como by ton. Many-
of them are five minutę sin a ts, sornc of tliecn comc "with all intenLion, hut uniorti matoły, most of them stc secorul l^artd artistH, basically a cnnformer. Ite celdom lcarns to depeml upon himself for exprcsBionj instead^he failhfully foJlows an imposed pwttern, So what i a nurtured is? tho depending rnind rather than i n ci i: pendent imjiiiry. As timo goefc by he might ruderstand some ront i n es and might even bo skillful aecording to a partie ul ar pat tern. Hcyweyer, he has noL oome to understand himself. In other words, he has galned coutrol cif the . wiH.nipuLative skill he 3wb bul not wha.1 be is in himself.
Mortinl art Ls not morely tho phyKiual act of filling time and spa.ce ihrough boitu: sort ol prec.ision Lilce moyemunt. Machines ran do thał tao. As he matur es, a rnariial artist will rcaltze taaL liis kick'or pimch i« i cally not so ttiuo.3l a tool to conqU«:r łiis opponcnt, bul a Lool to eyplodc Ujroagh his