1.) With a fuli length paper strip, make a smali fold at one end. Place it behind the comb and hook it over the top of prong #1. Insert paper strip be Iow prong #6. Bring it back to the top.
2.) Fold the paper back over the top of prong #1. With a toothpick cr needle tool, place glue where the paper overlaps to hołd the loop in place. Press down on the glued paper strips to be suro it is securc and dry before making the next loop.
Notę: This is called the "center" loop.
** TIP: Try looping the paper strips near the handle. This will prevent the prongs from flexing white looping and gluing.
3.) With the paper strip behind the comb, insert the paper strip be Iow prong #5 on the RIGHT side of the "center" loop. Bring it back to the top and place glue between the strips to form a loop.
*"* TIP: Glue aft er each loop to keep them in place. Less glue is hest! **
4.) Continue the looping and gluing technique, reduc-ing each successive loop by one (or morę) prongs(s) to create the cascading pattern.
After gluing the finał loop above prong #1, trim off any excess paper length. Remove the looped piece by sliding it off the comb.
LARGE PINWHEEL - One-Sided Comb (paoe 3)
Start with a fuli length RED paper strip. Make a f looped wing around prong #6; #4, and #3 using the
'one-sided" combing technique. Repeat to make the cther wheels in YELLOW, LEAF GREEN and DEEP Glue the pinwheel together as shown
SMALL PIN WHEEL - One-Sided Comb fpaae 3)
Start with a fuli length PINK paper strip. Make a three-looped wing around prong V4, #3, and #2 using the "one-sidecT combing techniąue. Repeat to make the other wings in PALE YELLOW, MINT GREEN and LIGHT BLUE. Glue the wings together as shown above.
CENTER - Q’! (20 cm) Tighl Circle
Roi! a BRIGHT WHITE paper strip and do not let it uncoil. Glue the end to the roli to make a tight circle.
HANDLE - 4" f 10 cm) Soirals Technioue (with needie nr needle tocl > Place the end of the BRIGHT WHITE paper at an angle near the middle of the needle. Rcll the paper around the needle at an angle so that the spiral moves UP towards the tip of ihe tool. Trim to desired length.
Layout the pieces like the pattern abovo. Glue the smali pinwheel petals on top of the large pinwheel. Then glue the center and handle to the pinwheel.
WINGS - One-Sided Comb (pace 3}
Start with a fuli length BRIGHT WHITE paper strip. Make a five-looped wing around prong #6. #5, M, .73 and U2 using the “one-sided': combing techn:que. Make two wings.
HEAD - 8" (20 cm) Loose Circle
Make a PALE PEACH loose circle (SIZE 3).
BODY -16' (40 cm) Off-Centered Trianale Make a BRIGHT WHITE locse circle (SIZE 1}. Make it into an “Off-centered circle" (see page 2). Then gently pinch a point near the off-centered portion and two morę points to form the shape of the body.
Layout the pieces like the pattern above. Glue the head to the angel s body. Glue the wings behind the body. NOTĘ' Add a halo with a 1/2” length of yellow paper looped into an oval shape.