1.) With a fuli length paper strip, make a smali fold at one end. Place it behind the comb and hook it over prong #1. Insert paper strip below prong #2. Bring it back to the top.
2.) Fold paper back over the top cf prong #1. With a toothpick or needle tcol, place glue where the paper overlaps to hołd the loop in place. Press down on the glued paper strips to be surę it is secure and dry befcre rnaking the next loop.
’* TIP: Try (ooping the paper strips near the handle. This will prevent the prengs from flexing white looping and gfuing.
3. ) With the paper strip behind the comb, insert the paper strip below prong #3. Bring it back to the top ar.d place glue between the strips to form another loop.
** TIP: Glue after each loop to keep them in place. Less glue is best! **
4. ) Again, with the paper strip behind the comb. insert the paper strip below prong #4. Bring it back to the top and place glue between the strips to form another loop.
5. ) Repeat looping the paper around each increasing prong until the desired size.
After gluing the finał loop above prong #1, trim off any excess paper length. Remove the looped piece by sliding it off the comb.
DAISY FLOWER - Wheatears fpaae 7)
With a YELLOW paper strip, hook the paper around prong #1. Then make the first Icop around prong #2. Create over-!apping loops around prong 113,114 and #5. Shape the petal by holding the base of the petal in ono hand, then with the other hand, gently press down on the outer petal layers. Repeat to make the other pelals.
CENTER - 4!! (10 cmi Tiaht Circle
Roi: a BRIGHT WHITE paper strip and do not lot it
uncoil. Glue the end to the roli to make a tight circle.
LEAF - Wheatear fpaae 71
With a LEAF GREEN paper strip, hook the paper around prong #1. Then creato over-lapping loops around prong #2 #3. ttA, tło. #6 and 117. P-nch the point and shape to make the leaf.
STIHM - 2" (5 cmt
Trim a LEAF GREEN paper strip to length and bend slightly.
Layout the pieces like the pattern above. Glue the petals together. Add the flower's center on top. Glue the leaf and stem to the flower.
LARGE PETALS • Wheatears (page 7)
With an ORANGE paper strip, hook tho paper strip around prong tt 1. Make loops around prcngs 112, 113,114,115 and #6. Make three large petals.
SMALL PETALS - Wheatears (pacie 7i With an ORANGE paper strip, hook the paper strip arcund prong #1. Make loops around prongs #2, #3, HA, and #5. Make two smali petals.
CENTER - 8 (20 cm) Tight Circle
Roli a BLACK paper strip and do not let it uncoil. Glue the end to the roli to make a tight circle.
LEAF - Alternating Sides Comb (pacie 51 Start with a fuli length LEAF GREEN paper strip. Make a five-loopetl leaf around prong #10. #9 and ttd using the "alternating sides" combing technique.
STEM - 2" fS cm)
Trim a LEAF GREEN paper strip to length and bend slightly.
Layout the pieces like the pattern above. Glue the petals together. Add the flower's center. Glue the leaf and sten) to tho flower