Put students' picture-perfect families on display. Coverthe board with pink background paper. Provide each student with a sheet of colored paper and several copies of the paper doli pattern (page 54) in various sizes. Let students decorate the patterns to resemble each of their family members then glue the patterns to the colored paper. Students can make their pets with construction paper. Have students create frames by gluing paper strips around the edges of their pictures. Accentthe frames using glitter and buttons. Hang each picture on the board with a length of yarn and a thumbtack.
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grocery storę
Who are your school neighbors? Cover the top third of the board with blue background paper and the middle third with green background paper cut to resemble grass and a tree linę. At the bottom, add two strips of gray paper marked with lines to resemble a sidewalk and a Street. Provide students with paper to color, cut out, and label the buildings, people, and sights on the display. Accent the bulletin board by adding copies of the evergreen tree (page 62) and car (page 103) patterns.
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