Nccklines: Round and Square
For the open crewneck collar shown on the ritjhr, knir all sritches In the rows on thc right sidc of thc work and alrernately knir 1, purl I on the wrong sidc of thc work.
Open Collar
For thi> collar. start picking up thc ncckband stitches V to IW to thc right uf the center ot the front. At thc end of thc row, casi on the addi* tional nuniber of stitches tor an addi* tional IW to 2W. Then work in riłv hing piutcm for 4" to 4 V, bind the stltches off as they lie. and sew thc undemearh part on.
Square Neckline
Preparing for a sqnare neckline is vcry casy. Herc thc neckline stitches are put on a stitch hol der. Then work straight up both shoulders frotn there. Bind the shouldcr stitches off and sew the scnm.s, or work the scams in gratting stitch.
For the ncckband, pick up the stitches with a short circuiar needle, starring at one shotilder.
Pick up about 4 stltches out of 5 rows at the side edges (sce facings, pages 60ff.). At the corners, an add* itional stitch has ro be worked cach inno- In thc ftrst round, make surę thar these comer stitches are kntt. This means thal an odd number of stitches have ro be worked between thc comer stitches ulotig the straight neckline edge.
Kow work m the ncckband panem. In every other round. slip the comer stitch knitwise togerher with the stitch ahead of it. knit the ncxt '■tirch, and pass thc slipped sritches over. Ii the yarn is very thin, the decreases can also be worked every
round. Always work the ftrst round widiom dccreases.
Bind the stitches off normally when the ncckband has rcached the desired length; work the Jecreases in the binding-ołt round too. Or work another 2 routuls to bind off in kitchener nb (sec page 46) and then bind off that way, as was done herc.
The added knk comer itiich can (v
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