Whether you are working a complicated .sweater v\ ith a picture design, or diagonal areas of color, panerns in which areas of color are worked w ith sc\ eral skeins of yarn are called intarsia patterns.
For intarsia work. thc yarn must be crc»ssed withln rhe kntttcd piece .u cvcr>' color chanie (sec phoros and drawings). (Crossing the yarn prevenls liolcs from forming in the knittcd piece.
In order nor to get your yarn all tangled if you are working wilh a lot of different colors, put rhe skeins ot yarn next lo one another in the order in which they are going to he worked. The yarns will cross in the first row. Now mm rhe piece to the front, mrnmg the tip ot’ thc t>cedlc towards your body and ro the nghr. When yiHi work the row on the wrong side of rhe work. rhe yarns will uneross. At the end of this row. tum the work to the back—in other words, tum the tip of the ncedlc away front your hody and ro rhe I Now tlu- variis Will CTOS8 ..gain. bor all rhe subsequent rows, nlways tum the work alternntely towards your body and away from your body.
'I hc skeins only havc to lv resorted if now yarn. such as a new color. is udded or a color is clinunafcd. Ir is best th.u when you stop koitling, you aiways interrupt your work after a row on t he wrottg sidc of the work, so rhnr when you start working again you can put the skeins next to one another in thc proper order.
IOn the right side rows, put the "old" color yarn ovcr the “new" color yarn at the back of the
work and continuc working with the "new" color.
"chain" forms where the yarns cross.
If areas of color are shifted ovor by severa! stitches, prepare lo cross the yarns ahead of time: Cross the "new" yarn 1 stitch before or after the stitch to be knit in this color...
2 On the wrong side rows, put the "new" color yarn over the "old" color yam at the front of the work
If areas of color are shifted ovcr by only 1 stitch, cross the yarns the same way as for straight areas of color. Smali photo: A view from the back. The yarn ends are sewn in on the area of color that they match.
...so that the yarn will come from the "correct" side and the first new stitch will not be pulled in the wrong dircction.