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Trani YowrseS? to a Happy Eoster!
Hop to it and get your class thinking about Easter.Coverthe board with purple background paper. Add a strip of green paper to the bottom cut to resemble grass. Enlarge the bunny with egg pattern (page 74),then color, cut out, and attach it to the middle of the board. Give each student a copy of the Easter basket pattern (page 74) and the egg pattern (page 75) to color and cut out. On the egg patterns, have students write their favorite Easter activities. Attach the eggs and baskets to the board. Decorate additional copies of the egg pattern for a festive border.
Help Eind the Lucky €!©ver?
Students will findfun in this bulletin board. Cover the top half ofthe board with blue background paper for a sky and the bottom with green background paper cut to resemble sloping hills. Post smali cotton-ball clouds and a large, light blue papercIoud.Createa ra ince.-. c . attaching twisted strips of crepe paper from the large cloud to the edge ofthe board. Usean overhead prcjectcr to enlarge the leprechaun pattern (page 70) and post. Color and cut out several copies of the Shamrock panem ipage 69) and one four-leaf clover pattern (page 68). Attach the Shamrock patterns to the board. hicing tne four-leaf clover for the class tofind.
CD'0049 * Big i. Bucht foWem Bocrds