14 science¬tivities1

14 science¬tivities1

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Science Activities

Jack Sprat Sorting

Skills: Classification, Discrimination between Fat and Lean Foods Activity:

Galher the food cards from pages 39-49. Have the group recite the nursery rhyme, “Jack SpraÅ‚," then sort the food cards into two categories—fally and lean.

Parts of Plants

Skills: Classification, Knowledge of Plants Activity:

Discuss the different parta of plants. Explain that foods we eat can como from different parts of plants. For cxample, carrots and beets are roots; celery and asparagus are slems; cabbage, spinach and Bi*us$els sprouts are leaues; artichoke and broccoli are flowers; and apples, corn and peanuts are fruits. (You may want to discuss the term fruil with the class and explain that, siÅ„ce the fruit is the part of the plant that contains the seeds, peanuts and corn are considcred fruits.)

Allow the children to name other foods we eat that come from plants, and have ihem decide which part of the plant each food represents.

Have the chi Idren tell you which they enjoy eating.

Copy and cut out the Plant Parts cards from pages 56 and 57 and copy the page 58 sorting page. Allow the children to take tums sorting the cards onlo the sorting page.

Visiting a Grocery StorÄ™

| Skills: Observation, Classificalion, Comparing Foods Activity:

Tnke your students to visit a grocery storÄ™. Have them identify fruits, vegetables, meats, and dairy products. Encourage them to observe the different ways each kind of food can be sold (such as fresh, canned, and frozen). Talk about where each food was grown or madÄ™ and have students categorize the foods as hcalthy or unhealthy.

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