Skills: Comparing Foods, Observation, Description, Color Recognition Activity:
Gather a few packages of al least Iwo different colors of grapes. Wash the grapes and place half of each color in the freezer and the other half of each in the refrigerator ovemight. Serve both the rcfrigerated and frozen grapes for snack and have the children compare and describe the two types of grapes. Kncourage them to describe the texture, temperaturÄ™ and color of each type of grapÄ™.
Skills: Hypothesizing, Observing and Doscribing Changes Aetivity:
First thing in the morning, allow the children to help you gather and wash a l'cw bunches of grapes. Place the grapes on a cookie sheet and bakÄ™ on Iow heat all day. Discuss that all dehydrated fruits are madÄ™ similar to the way you arc making the grapes into raisins. Have the children predict and discuss the changes that will occur in the grapes. Challenge the children to namc all of the other foods they can think of that they eal dehydrated. At the end of the day, allow the raisins to cool and enjoy for aftemoon snack.
Skills: T/istenjng, Matching, Auditory Diseriminalion
Gather several plastic eggs and a variety of foods such as macaroni, rice, dried córa, flour, dried boans, ctc. Make a pair of similar-sounding eggs for each food by placing an equal amount of the food into two different eggs. Secure the eggs with tape. Allow the children to shake each egg and li sten to find the matches. You may also cncournge the children to try to guess what type of food might he insi de each egg.
Ä™> Canon UcOom l*ubl. COW19 13