Skills: Observation, Descriplion
Gulher a bottle of vinegar, a box of baking soda, measuring spoons, a elear jar, and unpoppcd popcorn. Fili thejar a/a fuli with walor and add 1 tablespoon vioegar. Mix in \ tenspoon baking soda and when bubbling stops, add tho popcorn korne ta. In a fow minutos, the komols will bogiń to “dance" around. Ruvc tli o children dcscribc what they sec happening to lho popcorn kometa.
What happens: W hen baking soda and vinogar are mixcd, a Chemical reaction oecurs and carbon dioxide is formed. The bubblcs of gas eling to lho kometa. The gas rises, taking the korne ls with it. When the bubblcs roach tho surfacc of lho walor, Lho kometa fali. Ask sludenLs w horo ols o they havo scen carbonation.
Skills: Following Dircctions, Observation. Ilypothcsizing, Description
Gal-her a fow baby food jars and a quarl of unwhipped whipping croam. Allow lho children to tako turns pouring a smali umount of the crctim inlo the jars. Tell lho children that you want them lo shako tho jars, and havc them hypothcsizc what they Ihink will happen to tho croam. When tho cream begins to harden, pour olf the oxoess liquid and havo tho children deser i bo the crenm. Add a dash of salt to tho butter and lot the eh ildren enjoy it on cracker.s or bread.
Skills: Memory, Food Kocognition, Matching
Gathor a variely of fruits and vogotables to sharo with your class. Lol sludcnts removo the seeds irom tho Iruils and vegetahlos and cloan them. Havc studonts group tho seeds hy typo and place oach typo into a pluslic sandwtch bag along with u luminuted picture of tho fruitor vcgotabl« from which tho seods came. (You may usc tho paltem s from pages 44-47 or magazine clippings.) Allow Lho children to obscrvc and work with tho soeds during froo-play. Tako tho picturos out of tho bags and huvc lho children matoh the soeds to tho picturos. Huvf> tho children mimo oach fruit or vogotablo as they work with tho soeds.
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