Skills: Crealivłly, Fine-Motor Skills. Hand-to-Kye Coordination Activity:
Gather several stalks of fresh broccoli. Place on the art labie along with shallow bowls of tempera paint and sheets of conslruction paper. Allow the children to lakę tums using the broccoli for paint brushes. As thc children work, encourage them to discuss how painting with the broccoli feels and how the paintings look different from typical picturcs. Ask the children to name other foods they think might. be interesting to use os paint brushes.
Skills: Fine-Motor Skills, Tactilc Exploration, Crcativity Activity:
Gather o few containers of whipped cream, food trays, and powdered tempem paint or food coloring. Invite a fcw children to thc art table lo work with the matcrials. Oive eaeh child a tray and a spoonful of thc whipped cream. Encourage tho child to use his hands to move thc whipped cream around the tray. As he works, add a little bit of the powdered tempera or food coloring to the whipped cream.
Skills: Fine-Motor Skills, Print Making,
Creativily Activily:
Place several com cobs and shallow bowls of tempera paint on a large piece of butclier paper. You might also want to provide com holders to make it easier for studenta te complete this activity. Show studcnls how to roli the com cobs in the bowls of paint and then across the paper.
Allow the children to work together to paint the butcher paper. If the colom should happen to mix, encourage the children to describe the newcolorsmadę.
22 O Ctiraon-Ltollosa l*ubl. OD0819