Trees and fbwerę are ępringihg to life outęide. Oeate an indoor garden and watch new ęhootę grow.
Materials for fach Child: cookie cutter cookie sheet cotton
alfalfa sprout seeds and water
1. Lay the cookie cutter on the cookie sheet and push cotton into the shape, making surę to fili in all the corners. ©
2. Pour water onto the cotton until it is thoroughly soaked.
3. Sprinkle a thin layer of alfalfa sprout seeds onto the cotton.
4. Place the cookie sheet in a sunny spot. After a few days, remove the cookie cutter carefully.
Keep the cotton moist and watch the sprouts grow!
plastic Container with holes in the bottom
colored construction-paper shapes
potting soil and water
plastic lid
mixed birdseed
craft stick
Cut colored construction paper into decorative shapes. Use Sharp scissors to poke holes in the bottom of each child’s plastic Container.
1. Glue colored construction-paper shapes on the outside of your Container to decorate it.
2. Fili the Container with soil reaching to about 72" from the top.
3. Set the Container on the lid, then water the soil.
<4. Sprinkle on birdseed.
5. Write your name on the craft stick and push into the soil. © Put the Container on a windowsill and keep moist. f. Wait and see what grows.