Leara 10 dwcc thc fun And casy way with Oingcr dc Pub Tap Rance serie*. (Singer hjs bccn pcrfiwuiing nml fcaching Tnp thr>.i>»Jioiii America and buropc. Sbc lut* y.udicd wjih Ihc greatetf lip ma*tcr>. And now TAP WITH GINGfcR" give* on owy >tcp by step fontu* for Beginners. Inlcnnedialtf tmd Advnrced Thp Snidtf**.
Gbeer urdcłło 15 m on wh DVD. tvcry &tp is brotai down into 3 nam
1. Hich <e*p m introdiiced nnd dcmowtrotcd with owsie.
2. Thtt each ittep is ftlmcd upciotę and repcated fonr limes, making il c»y k> folfow.
l. Shufllr 2. PUps 3. Clarcp Koił 4. CZap Sicp 5. Contic Slids 6 ibrmigk 9. - $hkn Sfutn Koutiar plus OpbooaJ Step 10 ftioadwny 'Huk*Step li. RLyilmiTime Step 12. Thiic Ślep Stule 13i Tiaming Tmw Step 14. Bn>ir Roli 15. Efcscnoo Step
I. Ptiddle Rolts 2. Tlili* 3. PjJdic Roli Wock Out
7. itv IImI S. Ro«iflgSiep9. Mim Font 10. JUmp& Click
II. Time Step with Stamj> I2/I1ivic Step wWiTlilnl 13.Tn^nScep 14. łWntag S*p 1$. Double SłmlNc
AI»V.\NC t.ll LtVKU
I. \V\inn Ifp 2. Boogie Step 3. RitT4. TłieGhug S. RetroSkp
II. thraigt 15. - Dtlterem I loofcr ItatoSccp*
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"Tbe Rut A CMty wty to Itfurn lun* to Tap Dane*!"
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