Ask Me Everything&6

Ask Me Everything&6

Art class



Contrary t0 popular belief Celtic priests known as ha

yearsafterstonehenge was completed.

Megaliths are found in many parts of western Europę. They include menhirs (single standing stones), dolmens (two or morę stone slabs capped by other slabs), passage graves, stone circles, and long stone avenues.

At Newgrange in Ireland, a stone-lined passage grave was constructed so that a shaft of light would strike the back of the chamber at sunrise on the winter solstice (the shortest day of the year).

Brittany, in western France, has impressive collections of megaliths. Most mysterious are those at Carnac, where morę than 3,000 stones have been arranged in a series of straight lines.

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The earliest-known forms of body decoration are ostrich eggshell beads found at a burial site in Kenya. The beads are thought to be 46,000 years old.

Circle: Originally consisted of between 60-80 gray Stones

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Strike the hamrmerstone against the side of the flint and start to remove large, broad flakes.

Outer stones: Had

been brought to the site by 2550 bce— they replaced an earlier circle madę of timber posts

The Chauvet caves in Southern France contain some of the earliest-known cave paintings, dating back 30,000 years.

The Lascaux Caves, in southwestern France, have been closed to the public sińce 1963, as crowds were damaging the cave paintings. Exact replicas of the giant paintings of bulls, mammoth, wild oxen, and stags are on show at a nearby visitor center.


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03 ■ Carry on removing

flakes from both sides of the flint until it is pear shaped— rounded at one end and narrowing to a Sharp tip at the other.

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Now take a smaller hammerstone and work your way along the edges on both sides of the flint, polishing and smoothing away the sharp parts.

Researchers in the U.S.A. recovered human DNA from a 14,300-year-old lump of fossilized human poo found in a cave in Oregon. The scientific name for fossilized poo is coprolite.

UW. You should now have a hand ax. This multipurpose cutting tool has been described as the Swiss Army knife of the Stone Age.


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Stone Age 264|265 “J



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