Assimil Dutch 0

Assimil Dutch 0

401 vierhonderd

15 They stayed for only an hour and a half. - 16 l'm delighted with your results. - 17 May I be so forward as to disturb you? - 18 They are walking along the streets

Second Wave: Lesson 35



You are now at the end of this book. Through your persistance you have learned much in a relatively short time, and WITH EASE. Still you are probably aware that, although you can already manage in many circumstan-ces, your knowledge of Dutch is not yet perfect. You must therefore continue studying to accomplish your goal, namely, to speak the language fluently! To this end we make two recommendations:

(a)    continue the Second Wave to consolidate your knowledge;

(b)    seek opportunities to use your Dutch so you can develop your skills (for example, by listening to Dutch radio broadcasts, by reading Dutch books and maga-zines, and if possible by conversing with Dutch-speaking people.



(It depends on you!)


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