

Rozumienie tekstu czytanego i rozpoznawanie


Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią tekstu. Zakreśl literę A, B, C lub D. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

One of the workfs most famous train joumeys is the Trans-Siberian Express which takes you from Beijing to Moscow in about one week. Now, unlikely as it may sound, the Chinese are planning an even longcr, but much ąuicker, train link to Europę. Plans have been proposed for three lines. The main link would be an eight thousand kilomctcr track between London and Beijing which would allow passengers to make the journey in just two days. A sccond route would make it possible for passengers to continue south to India, Singapore or Vietnam, making the whole of Asia accessible from Europę in just three or four days. The finał linę would extend the European linę to different areas of the continent. It sounds impossible but, in fact, it’s not a ąuestion of ‘if’ the building will go ahead but ‘when’.

A spokesman for the Chinese, Mr Weng Mengshu, told us that the aim was to run trains that could travel almost as fast as planes. Negotiations have already taken place with several countries on the various routes and, in the most optimistic scenario, Mr Weng said that the services could start in little morę than ten years although twenty or morę years is morę likely.

Although China is at the centre of the project and supplying the engineering expertise that will make it possible, the idea did not originate there. Other countries, such as India, without the technology available to construct high speed railways of their own, approached the Chinese government for help.

China was already in the middle of its own domestic railway building boom, which will delight environmentalists who see air travel as a major contributor to global warming. In the next five years, the Chinese will spend €500 biliion on the construction of 30,000 kilometres of high speed tracks which will link all the major cities in the country. Last year, the Harmony Express went into service between the cities of Wuhan and Guangzhou and became the world’s fastcst cver train with a top speed of 400 kilometres per hour.



Work has already started on the lines to the south of China, on the second route. The only linę currently running in that direction connects China to Vietnam but that was built by the Frcnch a century ago and is unsuitable for high speed connections. Elowever, new lines should be in place in just three years, after which work on the linę to London can start.

Only one problem seems to be left to overcome. Financial Solutions have been found, even for those countries that normally would be unable to pay. Countries such as Burma have agreed to give the Chinese natural resources instead of cash. Mr Weng also believes that the visa situation will have changed by the time the trains are ready thus reducing the need for lengthy checks of passengers by immigration officials. What has to be addressed is the width of the train tracks. In China, the distance between the tracks is different to that in other countries. On slower services, an extra hour changing the wheels, which happens between Poland and Byelorassia for example, is unimportant. However, when advertising a high speed service, such delays must be removed. So far, only Vietnam has agreed to change its track sizes but negotiations are continuing.

7.1.    According to the article, the building of the train link to Europę is

A.    unlikely.

B.    impossible.

C.    going to happen.

D.    in progress.

7.2.    According to Mr Weng, trains will start running

A.    in ten years time.

B.    at an unknown time but in not morę than ten years.

C.    at an unknown time but in not less than ten years.

D.    between ten and twenty years from now.

7.3.    China decided to build the railways because

A.    they will conncct to their own domestic high speed services.

B.    they were asked by other countries.

C.    they wanted to build a high speed linę to India.

D.    they were worried about global warming.

7.4.    From the text we can say that:

A.    There is currently no raił linę running from China to the countries south of it.

B.    The French will help them to build the high speed railways.

C.    Ali towns in China will be linked by trains travelling at 400 k.p.h.

B. The railway to Europę will not be built until the railways to the south are completed.

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