* Label thc pictures with thc words in thc bo.*.
16- 5Å‚aivd up
18. Wri+e yiwr fiamc.
19. Eras-e yairr rtarrae.
20. Sit- down.
22. R-cad page nine.
25. Pu t away your boak.
26. Lister to +he questiait
27. Raise yo*jr hartd .
28. Givc thc an.swrcr_
29. Work in groups.
30. Kdo cacK o+her.
1. bo y>ur ho mcwork.
2. Bring your homewark.
3. go ovcr the ar swe rs.
4. Correct your mis tak es.
5. Hond i n ywiir ho mcwork.
6. Take a piece of paper.
7. Pass out th-e tes+s.
8. Aiiswer ttie guestion
10. Collect thc tests.
12. Torn o-ff thc lights.
14. Watek ttie ntvov ie.
Now imagine yoa ar-c a teoch-er* £ive instructi<jrvs to your
stu-dents. i'-:.