


Matura 2007 - Jfzyk angMakl i Kujon Polaki 13 I

Irada 38 maron 3007 • Os/itta Wyboroza • www.M;<>fiiwy(wr>;/a.0l I

nfe 7. (6 pkt)

pr—czytąj ponHszy Wat, z którego usunięto pięć ataA. Dobierz brakujące zdania (A-F). taft aby otrzymać logiczny I spójny takat. ' I k*Mą lukę (5.1-5.5) wpisz literę, którą oznaczone fest brakujące zdanie. Jedno zdanie podane zostało dodatkowo I nie pasuje ds tekstu. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 1 punkt.

? apassagethrough history

j ' Did wo tonów tkał thc Scottish eremu jcwels are older than those In the f J Tower of London? Or (hal thc massto słone slab* of Stonchcdgc werc ■ canied to SalisNin. Plain all thc way linom Wnlcs? Havc you cvcr scen 11 cancd wooden lovespoon, which Wclsh Iovers uscd to exćhangc as Ij a token ofbetrothal? 7JL_.

I Gocha: spiics soar nhovc elusters of medicval cottages; skelelal abbcy ’ I roms slumher in wooden valleys; castles pcrch llkc toy fods on hilllops;

; I massiw fortresses watch over ancien! towns. One of thc most imposing ; I SJrrłing Castle. which guards thc cntrancc to thc Scottish Highlands I Aom a iofty crag abovc thc Rivcr Forth. 1\vo miles to thc north. the Wal-I tocc Monument cnmmemoratcs Sir William Wallacc. whosc couragc-• ou> light for indepcndence is celcbratcd in the film Braveheart. lii.

If Scotland is a land of mountains, moor and myth. move south of thc fwder and thc mood changes. Dramatic landscapes givc way to rolling hills and gentle valleys. Iivcly market towns and leafy lancs. Visit Gla-stonbury, thc ancient cradle of Christianity and land of thc legendary King Arthur. Wandcr round Lincoln Castle and sec one of the original copics of the Magna Carta. sealed by King John in 1215.

; gpl__

; ‘ Bath was also the winter playground of the 18^-century gentry. who | left cheir mark in a dazzling array of gtaccful crcscents, terraces and pa-I l»des. For most of the year, ho\vever, they rei i red to their staiely coun-

try homes. 7.4. _ Like Chatsworth in Derbyshire,

I magnificent huge pile of yellow stone on the River Derwent, surro-undcd by esąuisite garden*. Or Blcnheim Pałace, a supremę example of Bnglish Bamquc. huilt In thc cightccnth century for ihc fint! Duke ot Mar-Iborough and birthplnce of his illustriousdcsccndant. Winston Churchill.

Walcs - as soon as you cross thc horder you know you have entered a dif-Icrent country. For a start thcrc is thc language. which gnecis you on eve-ry mad sign. The plcthora of castles Is another cluc. a reminder of the co-untry’s lengthy strugglc against English domination. The most spectacu-Inr are the colossal fortresses on the co&st. built by Edward I of England to kcep thc Welsh in their place. Harlcch is one of thcsc. sometimes cal-led the Castle of Lost Causcs hccnusc it tell into enemy hands so many limes. 7.5_

For hi.storical interesu arćhitcctural splendour and rcmurkable cultural diversity, fcw countries pack the punch of Great Britain. o Adapted from www.visitbritain.com

A.    Explore historie Bath and discover the splendid Roman baths and tempie of Aquac Sulis.

B.    These are just a few of thc fascinating strands that together make up the history of Brilain.

C.    Another isCaemarfon. a formidable. battlemenLedifice whose mas-sive walls dip their fcet in thc waters of the Menai Strait.

D.    1\vo miles to the south, Bannock is where another Scottish bero, Robert thc Bruce, put thc English to fight in 1314.

E.    It is easy to be dazzled by monumenus but the linie details tell their story too.

F.    Even thc modest ones take your brcath away whi Ic thc grandiose man-sions arc out of this world.

I Zadanie 8. (3 pkt)

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, tak aby otrzymać logiczny i gramatycznie poprawny tekst. Zaznacz Jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając literę A, B, C lub D. Za każdą poprawną odpowiedź otrzymasz 0,5 punktu.


If you cannot prevent children 8.1.

builied, itmay be bet-I ter to let it happen before they reach thc age of 12 rather than later,

| according to psychologist Matthcw Newman of the Univcrsity of Te-Lxas. His team questioned nearly 1500 college students about their

expcriences and 8.2._react to certain challengcs, such as

bcing humiliated or provokcd.

The researchcrs found the age 8.3.__which young pcople

łirst fali victim to bullies seems to determine how much it affects łbem.

People who were builied all showed siightiy higher levels of stress.

But 8.4._those builied before 12 respond normally to provo-

cation, those builied for the first time later are morę withdrawn and sen-silive to violence. Thcre are also sex differences, with females morę II-kely to react aggressively when provoked and males much morę likeiy to 8.5._drinking.

The weakness of thc study is that it iooked only at teenagers.

8.6._interviewing children of all ages, but Newman believes the

results still stand. Bullying during puberty might afTect people’s develo-ping stress hormone system, which matures during this time. he said. o Adapted from NewScientist.com news service. 06 November 2004


A.    to be

B.    from being

C.    (o huvc been

D.    of being


A.    how they must

B.    how wouid they

C.    how did they

D.    how they wouid


A.    at

B.    of

C.    in «

D.    UH




A. bowcver

A. take up

A. despitc


B. put down

B. rather than

C. while

C. tum up

C. except for

D. ncvcrthelcss

D. make up

O. apart from



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2007 06 035812 Pytanie: 13 Pełne rozróżnienie kolorów występuje przy luminancji: Odpowiedzi: A r B
kultura 5-8 lipca 2007 REKLAMA: 0 500 877 221 I 13(55) 2007 I 25.06-8.07.2007 Jednym z najmitę) przy

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