12 Kujon Polski • Matura 2007 - język anglolskJ
Stotfa 2S marca 2007 . Gazeta Wyborcza • pl
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; Scattered along the hightide linę on one of Hong Kongs remotest bea-i ches. tbe discarded Computer monitors looked like installation art, not ! mbbish. Each had been stripped of its copper wiring and other salvage-abie components. and then dumped at sea. The scene. which quickly be-came a suneal backdrop for the rity’s many shutterbugs, was also signi-I ficant historically. as a portrait of an age when plastic is seidom rccycled.
Theoretically. at least soaring oil prices should end such waste. Since 2002, the rise of oil prices Has led to a tripling in the price of bottles ma-| de from polyethylene lerephthalate. or PET, a common form of recyded I plastic that is now a highly profitable and globally traded commodity. Moreover, reusing oil-based matcrials like PET can bring huge energy sarings. Today. European recycling leader Sweden reuses 80 percent of its plastic bottles.
Contrary to what its critics imply, recycling is already a commercial successin many scclors, from Steel to paper and aluminum. China hasbc-comc a huge importer of recyded matcrials on a for-profit basis. Plastic* are morę difficult to make money on, because tliey are harder to sort and mell down. Japan is probably the world leader, and has used a mix of vo-luntary action and stem rcgulation to make it happen. Japan's largest co-picr makers set up a voluntory system that allows thcm to reclaim and rc-cycle nearly 100 percent of the materiał in used machines. And under Ja-pan’s 2001* Home Appiiance Recycling Law. households pay for retno-val of old TVs, rcfrigerators. washing machines and air conditioners, and manufacturers foot the rcst of the bill for recycling. Manufactureis tost a lot of money at the start, but their losses are shrinking as they acbieve economics of scalę.
Other nations are following suit. In Europę, the share of plastic in new cars that must one day be recyded is rising, from 85 percent in 2005 to 95 percent in 2015. And China, the laigest importer of recyded plastic, recen-Uy decreed that its electronics manufacturers will "increase recycling of dumped household applianćes”, the offidal Xinhua news agency reported. One welcome knock-on effect could be cleaner beaches in Hong Kong. e
Adapted from Newsweek December 2006 - February 2007
6.1. |
In Hong Kong discarded Computer monitors are treated as installation art. |
6.2. |
The number of plastic bottles being recyded in Sweden is the highest in Europę. | ||
63. |
It is hard to profit from plastics as they don't melt down easily and are difficult to sort. | ||
6.4. |
Japan s households are punished for recycling appliances on their own. |