

Edukacje. Gazpla.pl

Matura 2007 -Jazykanglalskl • Kujon Polski 7 | ł>

środa 28 marca 2007 • Santa Wyborcza • www.g/i7etawytxxcn.(* m W

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I Zadanie 1.

Mothcr no 1.: We have a 12-ycnr-old boy that is displaying all thc ou* twaid sings of teenage behaviour. He is disinlcrcstcd in school/homc-work. docsn't wam to help around thc honic. wams to watch TV all day, concemed about his rclationships witli girls, obsessed by his looks (clo-thes/hair/etc). Is this normal? How do we dcal with this? Is there any-thing We can do?

Tha psychologłst: We had this sooncr than we expectcd at age 11 w hen my son went up to secondary school. but it did settle down. I guess thc important thing is to Usten and try to understand what is going on froni his point of view, reward positive things and show disappointment ra-ther than anger at thc negatives.

Mothcr ńo 2.: Hi. my son who will be 2 in September sleeps an awful lot. I don't know if it*s anything to worry about or just consider myself lucky. He gets up at 7, has breakłast. has a play. goes to his nannies and by 930 ready for bed again w herc he'U sleep until 1.00. he*ll get up ha-ve lunch and a play and go back to bed at 3 or 4 and sleep umil 6, has dinner and a play and then a bath and then bed for 730 and thafs whe-re he li stop until the next moming, he’s bright and active and loves his food. What do you think anything to worry about?

The psychologlst: I have no medical knowledge whatsoever, but my fceling would be that he is absolutely linę and you should enjoy it whi-le it lasts! If he is happy and lively. and eats well, maybe he is just one of those people who need a lot of sleep. Each of my three chi Idrcn has slept differently - the middlc one slept almost as much as your son at that age. in fact I rccall having to wake her up every aftemoon from ber j”after lunch” sleep. as otherwise she would probably have just slept from tunchtime until brcakfast. I bet all your friends are green with envy-ha-ving also had a first baby who never slept at all during the day after about 9 months, and hardly seemed to sleep at night. I know I would have been!

Mothcr no 3.: My son was 4 in the middle of Febniary and is duc to start school in August. He is a second child and has always been a lo-veable monster. I harc łosi count of the times I have said that I can’t wait to get him to school! However. the closer it gets to August, the morę I harc this gut fceling that he is too young. His older brother was bom in March 1995 so is one of the oldest in his class and copes really well.

1 think he is smart enough to start school; I just worry if he is maturę enough to cope with having to sit still and not being the centrę of atten-tion all the time. To me he is still a baby. I also think that it would be to his advanlagc in later school years to be the oldest rather than the yo-ungest in class. Would love to hear other people’s opinions and expe-riences.

The peychołoglet: My feeling is that only you and the school together can leli if he is ready. The second thing is that there is really no rush. He'& going to be at school for a long time to come anyway. In Europę kx& of children start al 7. and they alt do flne in later Ufę, don't they. Docs the school lei you ««ke him for a tria) day, to see how he reacts? I flarted school young for my class. and although it wasn*t a problem "acadenrically**, it was socially. I was morę limid, shy, less confident,

1 [11 make friends likc the other children or belong to any of the diąues. You are his mom. You know him best.o

Zadanie 2.

London—City of romanca has a spec lal ofiar for St. Valcnttnc's Day.

London Eye

To celcbratc Valentine's Day and lorcrs everywhere. the London Eye is offering spedal ‘Chompagne FlTghls* to love-struck couples. Slp Laurent Perrier as you take in a brcnthtnking 360 panorama of the city’s skylinc. And if you really want to impress your sweelheart, book your own ‘Cu-pid’s Capsule* complete with chompagne, roses, chocolates and your ve-ry own waiter to serve you throughout your joumey to the clouds.

Tower Bridge

Allematively, you could joumey back through the centuries as you sip champagne and look out over London’s magnifleent skylinc. On the erc-ning of I4th February. Tower Bridge - one of London’s most iconic lan-dmarks-will be opening itsdoorsto romance. You’II be imited toclimb the original Victorian staircase all the way to the top of Tower Bridge. On arrival within the magnificent glass-corcred walkways you can enjoy a glass of bubbiy while taking in the incredible sights of London 45 rae-tres above the River Tharncs.

Thames Rlver cruise

You could even take an enchatuing voyage down the Thames itself with adreamy Valentine’s cmise. Enjoy lavish food and fine winę as London’s most famous sights drift siowly by. And after dinner you can whirt around the dance floor in each other’s arms as you sail off into the sunset.

Musie & dancing

If you want to continue having fun late into the night, you can combine a mmantic dinner with entertainment and musie taking you right into the early hours. Sound night club in the heart of London’s West End is holding a special Valentine’s dinner offering a champagne rcception, fbllo-wed by a sumptuous 3-course meal and musie from a top Dl until 3am.

Chocolate trail

They say the aphrodisiac properties of chocolate can make your head spin with desire. So a 'chocolate trail’ to take in many of the capitaTs famous chocolate shops is an essential part of any mmantic stay in London. Start your tour at Charbonnel ę{ Walker with a viat to their original shop in fashionable New Bond Street Rococo is another famousname in Chelsea while Prcstal. deiiverers of chocolates to Her Majesty The Queen should hit the right notę for that perfect mmantic Valentine’s gift.

The Bingham Hotel

Why not dozzle your Ioved one this Valentine’s Day with dinner, a hotel and a diamond. The Bingham. in Richmond upon Thames is offering an exclusive Vaientine's Day experience for 3 couples only. They will harc a superior river design' mom, orcriooking the Thames, complete with a Jacuzzi bath and rosę peta] perfutned pillows. The lucky couples wiii also rcceirc an aromatherapy mossage, a Molton Brown gift set. a gounnet meal for 2, a dozen red roses, a champagne brcakfast and a one-carat, brilliant cut diamond madę into ajewelleiy design of your choioe (ring or necklace). For more Information visit The Bingh*"* Ho«»»l

So, forget Paris or Romę. Fly, sail or dance your way to a faky-tale Valentine*s Day to rcmember in London -a tnie city of romance. I


Adapted from www.visittxttainxom


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