Mailbox Arts and Crafts For All Seasons8

Mailbox Arts and Crafts For All Seasons8

Sard and shdłę add an mto^ęting fextvr« to cr-t prajectę wifh a ęumcr hollctay the**. Try these tdeas


Build A Sandcastle

Materials for Cach Child: i sandpaper sandcastle cutout 1 white construction-paper flag cutout 1 sheet ot 9" x 12* blue construction paper sheils or sheii-shaped pasta toothpick

yellow tissue-paper scraps colored markers and glue

Class Preparation9‘-Use the patterns on the opposite page to cut a sandcastle shape from sandpaper and a white construction-paper flag for each child Have tape ready.


1. Glue the sandpaper castte on a sheet of blue construction paper.

Z. Glue sheils or pasta sheils on the sandcastle.

3. Use markers to decorate the paper flag and tape the flag to a toothpick along the flags short stde Glue the toothpick to the top of the sandcastle.O Ą. Crumple up pieces of yellow tissue paper and glue them around the bottom of the sandcastle.

Sand Pictures

Materials For Cach Child: 1 sheet of 9“ x 12* posterboard shelłs. sticks. and pebWes sand and glue

Class Preparations:

Have a hot-glue gun ready.


1. Use a hot-glue gun to glue sheils. sticks and pebbtes onto the postemoard. O 7. Spread glue around the shapes.

3. Sprinkle sand on top of the glue.

Ą. Allow to dry; then shake loose sand off

12 8


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