coconut mixture
1 smali piece of waxed paper
2 shelled almonds
3 silver candy balls 1 length of licorice
To make coconut mixture for 12 children. mix together 10 02 of confectioner's powdered sugar and 8 02. of sweetened condensed milk in a mixing bowl. Stir in 7 oz. of flaked coconut. Add a few drops of red food colonng. Divide the mixture into 12 equal pans.
1. Roli the coconut mixture into a bali Place on a piece of waxed paper Z. Mold one side of the bali into a point to make a nose.
3- Push in two almonds for ears.
4. Add silver balls for the nose and eyes and a length of licorice for a taił Allow to dry ovemight.
’/a sheet of 9* x 12“ yellow construction paper 1 gray construction-paper square. 3" x 3’ cork. round building błock, or bottle top black tempera pamt in a shallow tray fine-tip markers. Short length of stnng and glue
Cut sheets of 9* x 12* yellow construction paper in half diagonally to make two tnangles Cut gray paper into 3“ sguares. Provide each child with one yellow triangle and one gray sąuare.
1. To make a piece of holey cheese, print bfack circłes on the yellow paper triangle using a cork, round building błock, or bottle top dipped in pamt Z. Fold the gray square in half diagonally to make a triangular mouse. O 3. Use markers to add eyes. a nose. and a mouth to each side of the mouse.
■4. Glue on a strmg taił.
5. Place the mouse on top of the cheese.