

Valgus Laxiły of the Elbow

A chronic valgus larity of the elbow may develop from repetitive valgus forces being applied during overhead activitics. During overhead motions, such as pitching in baseball, the shoulder is abducted with extemal rotation, elbow flexion and a valgus /orce. This causes the ulnar collateral ligament of the elbow to become lax over time. allowing for excessive joint mobon at the elbow.

The Kinesio Taping Method will assist in redudng ©dema, pain and with the application of a ligament corrcction and functional correction limit excessive vaigus motion.

Application of a ligament correction technique For complete review see ligament correction tech-nique.

Begin base of ligament correction strip approxi-mately 4 inches below the media 1 epicondyle of the humerus, with no tension on the base. Before application of the corrective strip, first estimate the linę of the corrective strip to assist in application.

Place one hand on the base of the ligament correc-tion strip prior to applying tension to the Kinesio strip. Apply ligament correction, severe to fuli, 75-100% of available tension over the length of the ligament.

When the Kinesio strip has passed the end ofłhe ligament move the hand holding the base with no tension to the point of end tension above the elbow. Have the patient move into as much elbow flerionas possible. Lay the end of the Kinesio strip down with no tension.

Application of a functional correction tcchnique, for complete review sec functional correction tech-nique.

Measurc a Kinesio 1 strip which is approximately 5-6 inches above and bel o w the antecubital space. Begin by placing the patients elbow in approximately 30 degrees of elbow ńexion.

Apply the base superior to the antecubital space with no tension.

Apply functional correction, light to severe, 25-75% of available tension to the Kinesio 1 strip and apply the inferior base with no tension. The practi-tioner will need to adjust the amount of tension applied to the Kinesio Strip to adjust for appropriate movement limitation. Have the patient move into elbow extension

While the patient is still in elbow extension inititate glue activation prior to any further patient


Optional; Application of basie biceps Kinesio Taping Technique, from insertion to origin. This should be place prior to the functional correction technique. For for complete review see bicipital tenosynovitis.


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