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' Adductor Strain Combination Technique
binałion of the Kinesio Taping Technique and use of a neoprene sleeve or elastic wrap may be ^ helpful in both the acute and chronic adductor strain. t° the adductor muscle group may result from over-cxtension or over-contraction. If the ^_le jg acuteiy inflamed or weakend use the insertion to origin technąue. If the muscle is chronically nUl5fcend use the origin to insertion method.
" '-The use of the neoprene sleeve or elastic wrap may assist in limiting pain due to pressure created by -c ąualities of the products. Pressure around an injury limits pain possibly due to the initiation of the fScontrol theory of pain.
* jbe length of tape application will be directly related to the patients care during application and n-moyal of the neoprene sleeve or elastic wrap.
Completed application of the Basic Kinesio Taping Method application of an adductor strain, origin to insertion, with space corrective technique. For review see adductor strain application.
Application of neoprene sleeve wrap over the Kinesio Taping Method application.
Application of elastic wrap over the Kinesio Taping Method application. Use a 6" double length (10 yd) elastic bandage. Apply a spray adherent to reduce elastic wrap migration. Start application from the farthest point from the heart of the area to be covered. Do not apply with to much tension as to result in compromised circulation.