Enclosed Space Entry Safety Signs
Safety signs used to Identify hazardous spaces
Som< andowd spaces on thls yssssl msy contsln s dengeroua atmosphere thet will not suppoflHts.
These spaces will ba marked st sil entrsncss wtth the signs shown bełow:
PumpRooms Carpo Tanka
DryCt Trunki Plami Pant |
Ev#n i mmmtl rtktction in tha
oxyęmn you br—#>t c*n k1§ jf •Urming apaad Ruaty
t tanka and
of gas dtaptece need Suftocatloo
blackout la rap4d włth no
ttw —mai smdl tt.
foliowed by bUćkóUi śnć daafh la the llkeły concluałon.
To unauthorlsed Personnel
WV 10074 Z ▲
54mm x 204mm
Correct safety procedura* for entering enclosed spaces most be cerrłed out before entry ie permitted - If In doubt check with someone In authortty.
■■ ■
DONT rlsk your life to save tlme or somec fołlow the ENCLOSED SPACE ENTRY P
An ISM Codę Safety