
Attitude, of shoulder, 27 Auscultation, 1 Avulsion fracture, 186, 189 Axial alignment, 3 Axial compression test, 330, 330 of spinał nerves, 331-332, 332 Axillary nerve, 41,44

injury to, dcltoid atrophy in, 22 Axillary sheath, anatomy of, 27,28


Babiński sign, 324,324, 355 Back pain, in abdominal pathology, 360 Bakers cyst, 209, 223 Ballotable patella sign, 226-227,227 Basilar joint, 108, NO, 133, 135 arthritis of, 125t, 145, 157t

provocative test for, 154-155, 155 instability of, 125t test for, 151,151

Basilic vein, of cubital fossa, 67, 68 Beevor’s sign, 321, 322 Belly press test, 48-49, 50 Bending, lateral, of lumbar spine, 342, 343 Benediction hand, 94, 94 Bennetfs fracture, 133 Biceps brachii, 88, 319 inspection of, 18, 22 instability of, test of, 61, 61 strength tcsting of, 87-88, 88 tendon(s) of, 22

long head, palpation of, 38, 38-39 rupturc of, 22, 22 Biceps brachii muscle, 67-69, 68 Biceps femoris, 208-209 Biceps femoris hamstring, 166, 168, 169 Biceps load test, 51, 53 Biceps muscle(s), 74

motor examination of, 319, 3/9 palpation of, 39 ruptures of, 39 Biceps tendinitis, 38-39 Biceps tendon, 206-208 distal, 69

rupture of, 69, 69

physical findings in, 98t of knee, 223,223 palpation of, 82, 82 special testing of, 58-61, 60, 61 Biceps tendon reflex, 321-322, 322 Border walking, 286, 287 Bouchards nodes, 104-105, 105 Bounce home test, 243, 243 Boutonni£re deformity, 116, 119, 130 Bouvier’s test, 92, 92 Bowstring sign, 357, 357 Boxer’s fracture, 105, 106 Brachial artery, 69

palpation of, 40, 82, 82 Brachial plexus, traction injuries of, 39 Brachialis muscle(s), 74, 88 Brachioradialis, 68,69, 70, 72, 73, 88 contraction of, assessment of, 88, 88 Brachioradialis reflex, 322-323, 323 Broad-based gait, in spinał cord compression, 304 Bunionette, 249, 250, 280

Bunion(s), 249,250, 261 tailors, 249, 250, 280 Bunnell-Littler test, 125, 128 Burners, 39

Bursa, prepatcllar, 201-203, 203 Bursitis, olecranon, 72, 72 prepatellar, 201-203,203 retrocalcaneal, 283 subacromial, 38 trochanteric, 187, 199t


Ol nerve root, sensory examination of,

316, 318

C5 nerve root, motor examination of,


reflex examination of, 321-322, 322 sensory examination of, 316, 318 upper limb tension test 1 of, 326, 327 C6 nerve root, motor examination of,


reflex examination of, 322-323, 323 sensory examination of, 316-319, 318 upper limb tension test 1 of, 326, 327 upper limb tension test 2 of, 326, 328 C7 nerve root, motor examination of,

320, 320

reflex examination of, 323, 323 sensory cxaminalion of, 318, 319 upper limb tension test 1 of, 326, 327 upper limb tension test 2 of, 326, 328 C8 nerve root, assessment of, 320-321, 321 sensory examination of, 318, 319 upper limb tension test 3 of, 328-330, 329-330

Cafć au lait spots, on lumbar spine, 338 Calcaneal nerve, 290 Calcaneal tuberosity, 251, 253, 260, 281 Calcaneocuboid joint, 281 Calcaneofibular ligament, 291-292, 292 Calcaneus, 281

anterior process of, 281 fracture of, 282t

Calf, posterior aspect of, 253, 258, 259, 282-283 Callosities, 285 Callus(es), 259, 280-281 Capillary refill test, 155-156, 156 Capita ulna syndrome, 115, 117 Capitate, head of, 133

Capitcllum, osteochondritis dissecans of, 84 palpation of, 84

Capsular contracture, loss of plantar flexion in, 272

Cardinal signs of Kanavel, 112 Carotid tubercles, 310 Carpal bossing, 105

Carpal joint, instability of, tests of, 151-153, 152, 153

Carpal ligament, transverse, 114 Carpal tunnel compression test, 147, 147 Carpal tunnel syndrome, 135, 145, 146,

147, 1571

Carpometacarpal joints, 134 Carriage, of shoulder, 27 Caudad, definition of, 3 Cephalad, definition of, 3

Cephalic vein, of cubital fossa, 67, 68 Cervical spine, 297-334

anterior aspect of, inspection of, 301-304 common conditions of, physical findings in, 333t

extensors of, assessment of, 312, 312 flexion and extension of, assessment of, 305, 305

flexors of, assessment of, 312, 312 fracture of, physical findings in, 333t gait assessment and, 304 inspection of, 297-304 kyphosis of, 301, 302 lateral aspect of, inspection of, 301, 301 lateral benders of, assessment of, 3/2, 312-313

lateral bending of, assessment of, 305, 306 lateral rotation of, assessment of, 305, 306 lordosis of, 301, 302 muscles of, posterior, 309 testing of, 310-313 neurologie examination of, 313-326 pain of, mechanical, physical findings in, 333t

palpation of, 307-310, 309 posterior aspect of, inspection of,

297-304, 298

rangę of motion of, evaluation of, 304, 304-305

sensory dermatomes of, 316-319, 317,318 sensory examination of, 314-319 stenosis of, 325, 333t strain of, physical findings in, 333t sur face anatomy and alignment of, 297-304

Charcot arthropathy, 264-265 Chest expansion, measurement of, 307, 308 Childress’ test, 240-241, 241 Chuck pinch, 101, 102

Circulation, of hand and wrist, evałuation of, 155-156, 156, 158-159 Circumduction test, 56, 59 Clavicle, fracture of, 17-19, / 9 inspection of, 17, 18 palpation of, 38 Claw hand, 116, 119 ulnar, 92, 92

Claw toe deformity, 258-259, 261,266 Clonus, 324-325, 325 Clubfoot, 177 Coccyodynia, 189 Coccyx, 165, 167,189,189 Collateral ligament(s), lateral, injury to, 235 grading of, 228, 228-229 of knee, 208,223 medial, 206

abnormal laxity of, grading of, 228, 228-229 injury to, 244t of knee, 221-222,222 medial valgus stress test and, 227-228, 228 of interphalangeal joints, injury to, 129-130

of metacarpophalangeal joints, palpation of, 130-131, 132 tibial, 206 ulnar, 87


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