36.1 . Pan Smith jest policjantem od 15 lat; jest wiele rzeczy, do których się przyzwyczaił
w swoim zawodzie. Niestety nie do wszystkich. Napisz zdania na temat pana Smitha, wykorzystując poniższe informacje.
Mr Smith has been a policeman for 15 years.
^ Yes |
No ^ |
1. patrol the streets at night 2. get up very early 3. spend Christmas at work 4. eat lunch at all hours |
5. find dead bodies 6. shoot criminals 7. fight 8. use modern eguipment ^ |
1. He is used to patrolling the streets at night.
2. ___
3. _
4. _____
5. _
6. _
7. _
36.2. Wybierz właściwe wyrażenie.
It wasn’t easy but Michael finally used to eat/got used to eating Polish food.
1. David Beckham is famous and he is used to meeting/used to meet his fans.
2. When Susan was a child she used to play/was used to playing with her neighbours’ son. She doesn't even know where he lives now.
3. Professor Van Helsing used to sleep/is used to sleeping with a gun under his pillow although he doesn’t find it very comfortable.
4. We are used to eating/used to eat a lot of spaghetti when we lived in Italy.
5. My grandfather used to walk/is used to walking in the rain when he was a boy.
6. Did you use to watch/get used to watching a lot of cartoons when you were a child?
7. I am used to working/used to work very hard when I lived in Canada.
8. When Mikę Brown started to work as a milkman he was used to get up/had to get used to getting up early.
9. He was used to smoking/used to smoke a lot of cigarettes but he stopped when he had a heart attack.
Przeczytaj fragment wypracowania Petera na temat życia ludzi w średniowieczu, a następnie przepisz go, wstawiając konstrukcję used to do tam, gdzie jest to możliwe, dokonując wszelkich niezbędnych zmian.
This is how I imagine life in the Middle Ages. Average people usually spent their days working very hard. Most of them would stay outdoors cultivating the land or working for their landlord. Whenever they needed fresh meat they would go hunting with bows and spears. Men didn’t help their wives with the housework, and women, who usually gave birth to a lot of children, were very tired. Children normally slept in one bed with their parents and they had a bath once a week. They didn’t go to school as they had to work instead.
Average people used to work very hard.
3. ____
4. _________________________
5. _______
6. _______________
7. _
at all hours o różnych porach • average przeciętny • bow łuk • cultivate uprawiać • landlord właściciel ziemski * shoot criminals strzelać do przestępców • spear włócznia