if you See any filth or i Inek Spinie pul your foot Dcxteriously upon ii if ii be upon ihe Cloths of your Companions, Pul ii off privatcly,aiul if il be upon yourown (Hol lis rei urn Thanks lo him who puls il off.
Mili Turn nol your Back lo olhers espeeially in Speaking,Jog noi ihe labie or Desk on wliich Anolher reatls or wriles, lean nol upon any one.
15th Keepyour Nails clean and Shori,alsoyour llandsand Teetli Clean yei without Shcwingany greai Concern lor ihem.
16ih Do not Puff up ihe Cheeks, l.oll nol oul the tonguc rul> ihe llands, or beard, ilirust oul the lips, or bile łbem or keep the l.ips too open or too Closc.
17ih Be no Flaiterer, neither Play with any thal delighis not lo be Play'd Wiihal.
I8lh Rcad no Lctlcrs, Books.or Papers in (Company bul when ilierc is a Necessiiy for the doing of it you musi ask leave: eonie nol near ihe Books or Wrilings of Anolher so as lo read them unless desired orgive youropinion of ihem unask’d also look nol nigh when anolher is wrilinga l.etler.
I9th Lei your Countenancc be pleasant but in Serious Matters Somewhal grave.
20ih The Gestures ofthe Body musi be Suited lo the discourse you are upon.
21st Reproach nonę for the Infirmaties of Naturę, nor Delight to Pul ihem lliat havc in inind thereof.
22nd Shew nol yourself glad at the Misfortune of anolher lhough he were your enemy.
23nd When you sce a Crime punished, you may be inwardly Plcascd; bul alwaysshew Pity to the Suffcring Offendcr.
24lh Do nol laugh loo loud or loo much ai any Publick Speclacle.
2 >ih Superlluous Complements and all Affecialion of Ceremonie are lo be avoidcd, yei w herc due ihcy are not lo be Neglected.
26ih In Pulling off your Hal lo Persons of Distinclion, as Noble-men, Justices, Churchmen &c make a Revcrence, bowing morę or less according to the Gustom of ihe Belter Bred, and Quality of ihe Person. Amongst your e(pials expecl nol always