The Detroi t News
wChtfAM 4l*ftrtCST MFW:jPAF*M
■“»( *łllflfc IW^a« irf' (iitf IMMIlHi . fc
wlth %t}Kto of water ih wling eky- sirtańtć 7**$* *** a P*™ aito a*er in kle ITO
wiri frwa mony aaafwfei. CentbMdonPm* 24 onwilwPuatt
—Lesson from lustory—
ir nn* widence Tran ilu U5. Naral Obseryslory <f a jwh planet la ibe Miar ayaiem b accurate, U muld provt ihit ihe Sumeriom on anclenf stel-ero MedJlemaean cMIJartkw, w*ra tar abesd of feriera ntn in aKirunom)1.
AUroowner Thomas Va* flaadcrn told a meei-ing of tbe ftiUL-hcan Artronomlcal Socleiy IH Albu-qutrqua thb week thrt lrrepluUles la Ihe orbll ot Plum, ihe larthesl known planet fftm tt* sun, Jndlcnte) Ibai Uie jular lyiten coolalu a letb
Pluło wu the lad planel dbcwered. (a Ifcu. Since Uien, asirutwfwrj b*Yt been searchtag «ft$ucte*ffrny for pla*eb fartfcer out. Indeed, Ftaio had unknnwlnglf been ehoUMfaphed but n-milned unrecognized for ■ long tme taauea It wio 30 dilflcnlt ło sec. PresujMbly.My uther mw planeta weukl be eu; to atlna vi*uilljr»
Jbjt tw hejir^aly bmly aurpttttri by Van Plan-dern la niklng tła preatnee frit In Okhidc way thet Plii|o'a prcsence was sumftted — frvn ilu bnlgcs Ihat nuio^friYltiUlomti field causci In lite elltptfccitfbłt of Itstiostt itelgfttar, N^płune,
Now, Y,\a tandem. swtrtle bulgei deleeled ln p)uioł* orMl mam (hal there unit be siELi inoilter plaocl. JE* caleuJatca thn ihe uwee*
Sunwlan tnbtel in Easi Berlin show* a adnf system wilh son, mtwn and 10 plew*»,
planet la łotr i(rti« ihe size ni Pluło and Li Uncs Ltc dlslanco tłum tłu na.
Vao Plandero1! innouncement conesat no sur-płla* to foclmric Sllchl*. whogc book. Tis* tnb f?afler.calueciiiilhfceyeafaega
SiTCHiN. WHO deatribee btmself af a fiiwslan-bom llmtnUt and arclcohigiat.seye inai ibesame-rtani, who detr b*tX dJWt yeara, biew ot a planel beyond Pinia Ttiey owmi«d It ihe 12ih pletrtl. be •aplelos, becau^e. tn Ibelr sy*irm a( reckonUg. the sun and moon are altfi couninl aa płanete. tU Sumerlan ttante wasthblru.
Cenlnuad w Papa l«