
Ojtiuitw fa/i/oi: Dt/iit/L>/«^rr- 7. >'•<"/>7. /-.\/. _'/o


The Times-News

Smuhiw Oeroher H>. 2005


Idaho still not prepared for coal-powered plants

Ronini ni u* iii.the tlebaie over siatę power ]>I;mi sil -ing laws may lic ovcr. łłut ikTetul-crso! ilu- status i|im haveyol' m ileliwr a kmukout piuicb.

Ilu* I egislmiiics interim eitergy Miinmiilir assigncil in lunk inin plam siting laws Yiitcil In kill Icgislatinn Ironi Sen. (.lnu Stennell. !>•

kenltuin. tliat-

umilił liavc plami sile ap-p i n v a I amhnriiv in ilu* liands «il a stan* comntil-


I ii a li na n s are all im Im ał contro! ol Imał piu'11-lii c ił l (lifisinns. Hm lltcn-s an mlii sihcll In the idea ul leasing a vasilv impnriam enciion-im*nia) dccisinn in ilu* liaiuls nlilmf rniiuty nffićiak Ilu* couunitiees dccisinn m ni\ SicmifU shill sh<Hi!tln'i In* litr linal liluw lo iliis dis-ciissinn. Ik*siili*nis włm an* pnssihlr ncigltbms lo these nrw rnal-litcd power planis baw much m learn abiiul ilu* scicnulic data and regulatory siaudards applktl lo tbesc I.K ihtas. in linie. <|iifMkms will w ist* as m whcther siatr ngitl.itums will nieci ciii* /ens' expcrinlions.

I hnsr whn spumetl Sten-nrtts laicsi aiuinpi suki ii innk power out nl lncal liands. Power cnmpanirs also cnnirnd thev already hau* high siamlards to meel willi fcdcial agencies and stali* agencies Hm Ih-cuiim* Iciinnct jonity s pmpnscd (iOO-inegawait Seinpia cnnl-lireil plam is i» bc Intili un ])rivau> laml. iltt* analysis will nut be as thnr-ouglt as prujecis sloiird fur pnhlii lands. Agencies will appmu* specilic ponions of ilu* ptojecl. bill no stale aj;cncy.\vill nppmve all nl it. Ibose agencies imoKnl in* clude:

• Idaho Department of Waler Kesmirces — Ilu* sale nf privaie piojieriy to Sempra will inclmle an annual waier riglu lorappr<»ximately 7.IKK) ane kvt. The applica-linn nl waier will go frnm seasnnal In year-rnund. as well as limu agttse lo itultis-Irial ose. Tltal will rccpiire rhaugr of usc approyal Innu IDWIł. It nmst also detor-mmc if any injury would liappcii to nćighl>oringwater rij;lu boklcrs.

• litireau of I-md Management. — I be agoncy will dralt a unnprehensive l;nvi-ronmenial linpact Siateineiu on ilu* impact nf the raił lilie, slaletl m run norllt of ilie siani. The Miidy will próba-)lv inclmle consuliation

froin U.S. l isli and Wiltllife Scrvit'c and Idaho l-fch and (imiii'. and make a ntunber of lecoinniemlaiions fioin ilu- raił lines pmeniial im-pad.

• Department of luwinui-inenial (Juality — Ilu* l-.mitonmenial Pioieciicm Agrncys siaildaids for emis-sinus soch as sulfiit dinside. o/ouc. nitingen n\ide and _iii e i «' n i v.

0urview: Siatę regulatory hurdles for Sempra's power plant may not go as far as Idahoans expect.

What do you tłiink?

We welcome viewpoints from our readers on this and other issues.

alung willi paiticulaic inaiier. will In* rnfnrrrd by ilu* Idaho Dr-paiimeni nl iiiwirnnmcn-tal (Jualiiy.

Hut Idabos s i a o d a r d s don’t go hr-yond iliai. A iiew law passed iliis war says iilalins en-forccincui ol ihc (Jean.Air Aci can Im- no ttunc sirin/iau ili.in uhai fcdcral law retiuiics. il Idahoans wam morę proiedion lor ilieir clcan air. ilu* tighler siamlards musi lie iuuiali/ed by ihe goYcmor. simlied ai lengili by 1 and passed by the legislature.

I )!■;(> will retjtiire tuiinci-ous sieps from Sempra lo ^ain au operami}; pcrinit. ilu* (Jean Air Art iruuiirs analyscson impact. umhknit air (juality. besi acbieealile cnntrnl tecbnoloKy. and a siiHieieni number i»f public iittf linKs.

I liese htudles rnay sccm diliicult at lirsi Klancc. bm tc\-idents of sotuhern Idaho shoultl honeslly ask why Sempnt is cluiosinu klalul Hien they shoultl ask If tbese reeukilions are tliekame clsc-wnere. We'rc mii sayiiiK excessive refpilaiinn sluitild be (heKoal. lis just iliai fccble regulamin wmild Iw worse.

Idaho bas no coal pnwei planis, lun siidtleuly thrcc aie in ilu* works in icioim*. Power and CarilKiu cmi mieś. As klahos pnpulaiinu grnws sieadily, well ilcfiniiely ueed morę power generaiinn. Yet in the rasę ol Sempras leroine pl;uu. Idalio tras iio guarantce the pnwer will be sold in-stale.

While Sn*nnci|N bill may not have been fiu* perleci siaodaid. Ile knows ibe idea of stale siiing auiliurily for planis luts hipartisan wis-dom. l-ormcr (kiv. Pbil Hau. while semug in lite Settate in 1*17#. drafted a bill giving the auihority it> the hiblie Utilities Cnnimissiun.

Iltree deratles laier. uiiliiy rompanies ate kiiotking on our door — and we ateiń ready to lei tbem in. II legisla-tors ran't see ilu* wistlum in ihat. .eoncernetl Idahoans nmst Iłoltlly tell litem ihats ibe CiLse.


Bf»<J K-Jrd .... Pubtlih«(

Ctirił Steinfcoch.... EditM

The memben ol the editonal bosrd and wnters of ediiorials are Biad Hurd. Chris Steinbach. Sleve Crump. Eleonorę Burkhart Ramona Joner and David Cooper. *

Jerome students deserve solid foundation

• WE    *bUOvJ Ol rtDERhl PoRCE.





Be afraid, very afraid, of bird fiu

Wluk-ostii i.ilW.is)liin:-lon IwinIhvii|nhiiiv: mirlLurut Mmin kmi;^Mlf>ui|«stiii ilu* IUII.in C*ic\ ( imiii il .m<l jMisinyJln* l(v/.iiniii(M uinm^N .iihI ul ilu*    jm\. i«*l

;iii\Hv unimiic r*l u.i% prilr.tps lin* iiiiinI liHintniCiHtMAriil nl om liUiiiiit* • wImi inIHi nl u. .in I sh.tllr\|>|.i:n It was.III

tmiitu r<l l.i^l ui r) lli.tt .Nliu iii .tn m HflloK lł.i\r |lls1

.nMinlaIi\m>: killiiii:«»t|>\ •»: lim IMHI S|*amxir ilu I his i-. \it\ hit:

i IIMI> Kmm 11KWIMI l<

I ihl. :l in .i M hiililir .ii IftMAi* MHIll nl

ptnjMi|t:nris I lnł N|MII|s|l Ilu h.is ||n| Ihtii Miii nil fiu** lihif pl.inri Uh    Iimi* nr

.limu is .i s|ur\ nl i nlrtpiisi*. m#iitutv. MiiitthpiK Imi<I unik .mciślini latiIIi.iim r. Il in vnh<*s ri:i«Sini: ilu-p m ilu-

Innirlsnl .1 ilitlll.il \ Im^pil.il m

W.IshlUtfntt.lHilipInfil llssilr s.imp(i*s imiii i Iw liin^Mil s«i/ ilMisuhmlMdni PIIIIfiu.111 •lllln|ts\ 1 nllri IHHI lilii nlilfilll UI1n«*\lMiill fli\ Mil.lll.illl I III

«film .uul ilu- iliMiihiutiiil ol .111 Al.lokali ] sklllHi wito 1I111I cif

Ilu* tłu .mil uhusi* IliU.illls li.ul Ihvii |i|i-M*rvtil li\ thr |ht-lit.il Insi.

Ulen. listuj \Im lti>:.Htil i!n III|* In Iiiik|tirs ihiI\ Mn h.tt'S C n< litniK niihl    lliry

pitllnl ull .i mu i«ilH(»k»j;i( .il lui.tNsu |Cuk llirliiNliAii irs tiMtilHHinl .iii .un Uill p.Ulubił. And fint JUM ailV .Ml • uill palliopit. r\pLiiiuil Minlop.ist I tiihr Holmes, hut ' litr ii-iii ol litr ittnsl lllipuf * taUtl lIlMMM* |MlUkillU‘ III

Imin.iit hislniN"

W Im h lifin^s tis to litr so uftd tlrnunt of thb \torA: lUTund tłu* hrilli.mjr lu*s ilu* shrrr IrffOf. Wr ll.tvr ijtntr lit • rr.illv laiiHi|*lil h.u k lo lilr .111 .i^rni nl 1tr.11 luhlir.il <l«*slfiir-Ilon. It ktlllll IINMr Ihlipll* III SIN mnntlis tli.111 tMii: killnl lit thr

Al tri un ktlhn luki mc. I sal atolu* iii my loom. pil dirsMil and wrnt lo. st ltool. My simJi pjrsulr itntMC tracitrr Rrntly M|urr/nl my slionldii t Mliii ihao tliat. thuiy.s wiii* |»irtlv tutti It imi hor (10 lln-d.lV my modni (Iltil.

I hal % Itow* 11 is Im millums ot kuls i*\nv srlitHil day lot IL\iMiv I lu*vpi up in ihr URM mii): pi dirssrtl .md pi tu srltool wlirir iIh ii prisoital ti uimplis .nul irapilies air Ihi-n ow n I rts liopr litry pi to m Ihr ils 111 .ii mihrai r dniu. uts)tii«* iltrui.«apltiir iliru iioapuatioiis SihiMtliiuu Itr thr ooly piat r ilu-\ know litry air alivi*.

I Iow is it (m )iiiiim*s kit!s wilcu llu*vtoiiH* to m*|hiiiI:

( rnti.tJ P.IrnHitlaryis HO yraisold lltisis.is« )tiir>] witosr foitml.moii. hi irk and mor (ar air profmimlly detrt i oralni, wlutsr ilUrfim sl.utdi in nrrd o( moir tliat) Sl.f* mil lino ol u paits lo nui*i hic sidriy cmlrs Moirihau IL*ił kids alCrnd m lutol iii modli-(ars Ihimiist ol mvn rowdmp Irroutr Midd!(* Sc IumiI is so mrrrrowilrd 1l1.1t mon* th.m 20(t kids attriul m IhhiI iii modiilais Un* hhrarv and



tom \r.iisnl ilu- liist Woilii W.11. Il ktllril HNiir Itnm.iiis 1I1.111 ail\ ntlui iIimmm* ol silniku dui.Mii iii 111 ihr history nl ilu* unikI. s.i\ s Allnnl W. i ii is h\. w Im Wlolr .1 liis|n|\ ul litr PMII (MiidrniH . Aml. ihM.-s I lir Xm\ SaHiilisi. wlirn ihr ir rir-.iltil linis u;i\}iiHii lo mu r itt hiMvtivi|tMr.iiiliflHil LiImii.iio lirs iii All.tiil.i. U killnl thr oir<r ntłiif ifun kly tłum unyolhn Ilu rmurni /r>Ut/

Nów 1l1.1i | h.t\r \ihii allnt-Ilon. iiHiNidn. willi appiopri.ilr lirpNlalinii. ilu* iliird rkilinit nl (his stui\ :W1i.il In do willi iluś kitif\\liili:r/ Nul oith* h.ts thr VIIlis Imi) pll\sl« allv Ir riraitil lilii UMiHiir ^iHHiir Itasimw łirrn pohlisluil lut 1 lit* wlmlr w ni Id. ^<mkI prnplr and \rr\ Iii mv.

I Itr dii isioit to piihh>l» was a vm rliiM* .uul trcnlviu>; rall t hi ilu*mir li.itul. wr IH11I ihr kitnwliil^r diNMinm.iirtl VVrvr lr.11 iuiI limu iliis irMMft h ili.ai fili* PI lit Un was hiid |]>i. "litr mosl hiitl-lil r nl all nucn-iiiahait lin viniM\' %ays Jrllny latibnthripi lr.nl it-MMli lirr m oniawluiKtlir lUiHimr.

I ltrrr Is a hml lin rptdrmir ii-iii mnv 111 #Vsui ili.il Ikis cii*

In cni 117 prnplr aittl killrd Ul. It li.isalir.Mlv cir\rhi|Hil a Irw

Ki:\i h.u

OO.MMKNT Dr. Bizabeth Sugden

< .tieleiM .ui- lnu mii.ill. tlu-ie i% 110 .'iiMlitiuiiiin. llu-ił- nie mnie 1I1.111    ol lite s.ifety le

p.lirs c.eetlt-il.

()oi m I100K seml 11 nu-sMige I ilmik ui* ilu nut mienił. 1 bul is. we (toni v.ilue etlurnliim. • ru-liwil iiileionU' 17 ve;us. loilj; •-noiigli lo be one ol ilu* "we* .

i tirlpool willi.miiflei-m IiooI piogi.iin ut the imiklle, sCllÓol Wilii.* IKK* ol ilu* eighlli gMile l>n\s mi\s ihis iihuiil leMHiii-MouuniUm-iii (o (-(liK .itnut: '\oho<h i-an-sf"

I can- liei aiise I knuw ib.it e<l(i( atum was iinpuK.ini in Imililinga gnoił lite Im im* as .1 family |iiailin* |>1ivm« i.m lklucalion is Imikliug a gooi! Iife loi my kuls

I iaie hi-caiLsi- lin* inissum ol ilu- łiospital wln-n* I woik is 10 impioYe the lieallbof the roiiinnmiiy aml lo caic Im tłu* sirk aml (lis«-iifraiH'bise<l.

Uli.it Heller way to impioce nt thr KciHHiur cltan^rs th.ii • premii ifansmission lolui-maits. Iłiiirlorr. yon want lo pul out litr ktuiwkil^r oi ihr strm ttirrol ilu* PMII Ilu. whirlt 111.wir thr luli pimp limu Itirds lo Ittimatts. mi (hal r\riv irsraii hrr 111 ihr umrld ran inmirtliairfy siart fonkinn Im w.wMoaniinpiiir. mmii-lor. |Mr\TttC and rotinirraii Mtnilar rhaiH*rs in tinlay\ hml Ilu

Wr air rsMiitially in a litr* aiHl cir.iiIi nu r willi thr hitd Ilu. (Lin wr li^irr out lnnv to

IHd iiipt il hrlitrr 11 fipitootit imv lorwihr inlo a iraiiMMil talth* lonn tnili IfMH Irihality tiul will iki tinalr himianicyl In run iliat rarr! wr unii thr l^ihiir Mi|tirnrr UitiWYMlIly kunwii • - iuH |ltsf to mionu .md piwlr lnic lit t;.ilvani/r nrw


t In ilu*othrr lund. irsnrcci*-non ol (In* vinis .md puhla atHHi nl lisMriH tim* ojMiis ihr yatrs ol llf II. Al tylu tch. had piys iiH lodcil. ran Uliwriratr il. 1hnSopr.il klinwl nip* is lar c;iMti lo ar<|ttiir fur < Kuna .nul Itinttls (hau nu-rlrar knowkilp*. And if you rarń make iliis stnlf yuurv.'lf. vmi ran Minpły order ttp 1 )NA su |i R-iK.es Irom rornmrrri.il

mir lu-altb than in asstire tliat our cliililien are well-eilucat-11II

[im ulany (<miig obsietncal p.itients wliose liabies I <leliv-er will nem graduau* Irom lugh mIiiioI. Ibey will hve iii powity, hokl imskilleil jobs. liaw unsialHe or no mar-riages In* uiore olten adiliclerl to cimgs and atcriliol. be morę olten abusetl and neglected. flieii elnldiens lives herniue disiupted and a cyde of m lutni failtlie u-jieats jtsi-lf.

llic lieallbof mir Hispanic couiiiiiiiiity is unpaired by un-lieated rlisease clne lo laek ol iiisurance.lmvlevels of litera ry and language barriers. A new geueration of hel ter cdii 1 ated 1 (hpanir cluldreo ran iiuprme iliis. I herc is au ule ology tliat wiaild deprice leioines kids nf new sebnols • basedon r.ire. Do not cmi-donetbis.

Ibeuuinsmed |M)jMilalum delays medical ran* iiutil medical illm-ss e. far ad-vanml. mme expensive and dlffinilt tu lre.it. I bose willi insullii ient rtlmaiimt are mon-olten uiunsiired.

liiluealimi iseoimected in .iniillier way willi lemmes bcaldi



. ^

vj A./*,-*

lałt(iralori«*s aiouitd ihr wmld lli.it will makr it and slupii to \mi nu (Irinami. l.iMhrnhrip*r hmiM-ll .idmits 1h.1t 'ilu- ui li lt<i!it|^'is awulahlr.*'

Aml ii thr hadpiysi .irii makr thr Ilu ibriiwhcs. tlir% rmikł try 10 stral 11 I hals imi rasy Hm thr iih rninr to do mi Irom a Mi nrr lanlH\ • •Hild imh Ir* philii.

Natuii*. wltirlt puhlisln-d ihr luli pitiimr Mi|uriR r. (itrs Itutpishai trniilnpsi Hu hatil i hriyjn as wanilii): tltal ilu/ir is a mpulic ant iisk *\iipii)*oo 111 fvil.iłiilily** of.ii ridiiit.tl nlrasr ntto thrhtiiiian |Kipiil.iiinn m

ol ilu*H liy a^clispiinilril.dis uiiIhiI nr i*Mrrtnist LiItmalorN* rmpln\vr."

< htr hau li nl Pila lin h.»s ilu* rap.u iu Iih !i!av»drslMi< non 1l1.1t 110 hond vill.nn • mild r\rr drr.int 11I. Wity irv lo stral louśi* Itnkrs in llussia7 A linki* 1 an oulyilrsttoy a my. Ilu* Hu vinis. prnprrK* i*\ol\r»l. i% po ItiMiańy .1 ilrstioyrr ol ciuli/alions.

Wr stilon ha\r |iist pvi*n H 10 (Mirmtitlirv

llavra mu* dav

Umrlrs Krntilhainnu r % r inatlathh*'s\ i.s /i7/i*fM**r/irir/«*\ krautluinmwrnnii

As dllel ol stall al Si Helu-dirts bont 1*01)1 loJtKM. I e\penem‘ed diflic•ultv ns mu iug.iud lelauiing pliystc mus. One ot ilieir nia|i»r idincm-was Ilu* edm anonal opporui nilu-s av:iilal)l(- (or ilieu childrcn.

< )ne of mir jibysio.m assis lanis loored ibe Jeroiue sebouls wid. bis wite. clioos ing (o liw in I win I alls i.ułier than lian* bis t htldu-n alleml Mich pooily maintained


'Hirahililyoftheleimin-uiedicaleoiimuuiily locuti limie semug Cłu* pum aml ilu* okleiły will lic- jeop.u<li/ed il mir srbuols coniinue to deie nmate.

lemmes chiklteii ueed os lo ran* They ueed lo know tliat wesuppori edur.ition

Out oppommiu is Iiu-sd.iv. (Jct. ITi Vote ves (01 a new ele mentary sebmil and a new inlddle mIiooI.

bslberiglu (bing to

Dr. IUzjiIh-u) II. Snfiil,'ii (ni liw Mi t/h nl I.ti i u liif(‘nnimilUvIm Si llfłhllii lś IhiiiiIy A/i-i/n nl < m ter. mul is n tneniUi i nl the leimite ( nueiis Jot Heiiei SfhiMils Coniniitti e


Clow a solid voice for T.F. prosperity

A-* .i Inrilier liilriw mciuher ol ilu-iwin I-allsCiiy (nuncil. I t an ailesi to ilu* kmndetlgc. ca-pabilirics and goals ih.it Lince t :irnv łiriiigs (o llic tiiy of lWin r.tlls, J lis ears are alwttys' ai-litned In Ilu: voi« cof the peojile ol the rity. and his cyes are Ujiened m Ilieir ueetls. ,

A vnte (nriauri* uill tiu-ao a conimuatitjii nf ilu- progress maile in stuii jirojwls as the purebase and ewiuuaJ ust* of canynii lands lor parks and ibe iii.iimeiunrt- of our ongoing wttier rssiu-s.

A vute for lance is a vnte for

conlimied growth and pnrs|»T-ily lor tlle Magie \'alk*y and oly oliwili lalls.,

So folii iw my wifeand I and vote lor Lince (Jow for (jiy Councilon 1-Ji-ciioii Day /\KT PUANTZ *

IWIn lalls

Evo!ution theory fails under laws of science

Several receni ar i kies tegauf-ing llie tliiiiile on wheiber •

( reation or inielligeni th-sign sIhmiUI be lauglit atongside eeolmion (lieory m our scIkkiL baw becn nf Inleresr. lnu ilu* one wiih stu<lenls'comniems was mosl mingiling Stale-menis tleiiHilislMle ilu* ptoh leni willi "t*vol(iiion oitly* ii-adiing. willi one sided pies eni.ition giviug the students errmieous nmdusions ahoui a very imporiam ileliate.

(hic student was (|iioic-il as saying. ‘Ilieir is so mu li sci- • ent ibe ceulcncr alkiui erotmimi tliat il is silly lo say Iliai somelbiiigc rejted os." l ar from thcUiKh.eYoliinon bas never lieeu observed nor lepro ihiced muł. as mićIi. is not M ientifieally pimahle; il ic-inains a meie iheoiy. Aml il anynm* truły dues bis Imme-Work. ytnt will find. II .mylbmg. srieru e dLsprmrs i-eokilion.

' KyoIiiiioii goesagaiiist tbe

liist and se< onil Lwsot iliei niiNbiiaiiiksin s.iying tliat sonullniige.iiiie Irom notliiug and miler cmnes Irom dr-order willi iiiput ol random, noil-di-rerled ent-fgy eiiitlier. tr.msiiumal lornis lH-inren spL-ciesare lum-eMsteiH loday aild not prosent iii ilu* lossil leididsiii Millinent inimlH-is to Yalutair evolulion theory (a leaiber piesM-d u|Kin,a leplile m “nne in a milliou” lossils does not |iimv anytbiitgi. Hut railu-r. tbe lossil rcoiid MipjMMls ahmpl apjicarance ol tłum-sinds ot species all al mice not a slow. gi.idu.il dewloji-ment otspencs.

And it cmistautly snqirises

lin* Iliai neitber teadteis nor sUideiiisircOgniM.* (bal Liuis 1'asii-urs dispioYtiig of spoina-nci His getieration. a.concrpt laoghi in all science lexd>ook.s, disallrm^ from tbe stan even ibe |Hissil)ilnyof Mrid evolulion bringa vuble ścieni iflc dieory.

As Im ilu-“rdigious" student wlio ib.uiglit it was ~iuifair to pnsb out iieliels on MiiuetMld}else* you also bave been wrongly inlliiencetl. Masking il under Ilu* pretonsc uf science, seenlar InimaiUsts hnve Ihtii allo\svd to imposc iheir philos-opliy of the urigins of Iife on mircbiklren. fonning ibe fmin-diiiinn for atlcmrus to remove (kul Irom gvcry facel of Iife.

rheoiM'-sided pieseniatimi of"c-eolutioti puly" to espLun tbe ongins ol lik- is not ouK fu ased. bul u is mtellecluallY distasieful. You reallydo ueed lo presenl lunli siiles ol tbe de bale ni mir seltool system, hccausc ilierc are twu oppos-ingside: lo Uu-dcliate And 1.

* for one. weigliing ilu- eeklt-nce in liglit ol M'H-neeTiml ciulu-tum totally unai rept.ible for rx|i)iiiiiing Ilu* ongins oljde. Cauisidenng scieiulfle le.tdiiiig and willi less faiib (ban is re-, quirvdon tbe other sideoftlie rietKUe. I belieee in an iutelli-gem and <livine creator — Gud. r.REd IIF.GMAN

1Vvłn hdls


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