The Fringe

addrg Imię* ło beadec jewety san enhance the wetail lock and appeal ol tte trnsbed piec#.

Thte s espccinlly true ol beaded cabcchco$ and amulet bigs Frręe can be used arry-wtorc you ittnłi yco need it» deccrate your itóm mough i s most commorty fcsnd a: :ne bodom ol Iho pocę Enpenmant and acd it wtere you the* t i«k$ \xa:

Straight Fringe

To do a slrarghi tnnge. decOc wfich beads you wtsh to use. The/ may be toads that you have afready used in yixr piece en dilerem ones «i ootots tbat match of cortrasl. Chocse dilerem sires and shapes, as wel as dfierenl cotas. Lay out your beads and wperiment w*t them uml you ba1** a peasmg patiem You Iringe may te all tne same lenglh o' '•■ary by gefirg mog-ess^y bnęe until < comes lo a pcmt m no mdde. Try alternating the lenglhs ol the Hnge or rral.rę f. siarę trem one stde to the other H your pieoe nas an unc/en botlcm a stragm Irng* mli tw ure.en also. Loc* al other pro.ecw to fletetmme de kind ot tnnge you pretor He1* 6 hew to noorperate slraght trrge

3Skip rhe lait bc*d lor morc if you want a loopcd etiding) and paw tlić thrfctd back through all the beads to the top, as in Fignie 5-23.

Cwmćrt Mb artnm bok arrtfMe.t tnlptCemt ta r «W •.%!»*»« d<*v *te*

»    .»»*» r w ss-a^re

1 Secure a new thiend ui ihc worked pan of your piece, elose to witCK you want lo start your fringe.

^Go through the ive\t liead to the left ot right of whete you started and repeat the fringe str.ind as in step i. Bc sute to puli the thre.nl śmigły.



3 Stting on »«veii. skip one. and pau. luck llirough all ihc beads in a niw up the niiddle to the top. as in Pigure 3-26.

)Pa» to tlić i>cvt bead and rcpcat.


^Comc out berwecn Iwo bcods and itrmg on )x»ur bcadt in ilu- order you want

Branched Fringe

Brarcfted tnnge is usuaty done wdn seed beads. li wocto wet wtiere you want a bjsfiy-4xfung tnnge. Sto co a beard ot a bcuncal themed piece

1 Corne out of your work and string on a number of licads. In thtt caie, eight beads are used.

^ Rcfctring to figurę 3 28. skip one bead and pars back through three, pulling the ihiearl snug.

3 Sit mg on nine. skip one. and pass back llirough four.

4Swuig on U, skip sine. and pass back llirough five.



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