CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 6

CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 6

| Oirtili ^ri â–  jrtpj it    it Krtn

Bfśwr^irtc^rt m crńjr m cm*) pjrj llnbi*h«liJTmO» 'ynliwfiM «rrt« Q >>){«■« it frtft (tfttaitt Md ukt ftrtn fc

Um Presente da Mariza



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Make the threo separata piocas for the turrets and thon stick Wiem together.


ÓCoiour the remaining sugarpaste black Thiniy roli out and cover the front of the cake at the doorway oniy. Roli out I25g (4oz) of the grey sugarpaste and cut a piece to cover the front of the cake. smoothing the joins closed as before. Using the template (see p.93). cut out the doorway and remove the sugarpaste. revealmg the black underneath.

7 Roli out 45g (1V.oz) of the grey and cut a stnp to cover the top of the cake. Then roli out I25g (4oz) morÄ™ and cut an oblong that is slightly larger than the roof As the cake sides are fuller at the top. the roof shape should taper Cover the opposite side of the roof in the same way. Cut a little d;p at the bottom of the roof where Shaggy and Scooby-Doo's heads v/ill resi

8 To make the dormer. thtckly roli out 75g (2'hoz) of the grey and cut the shape using the template (see p.93). Put this upright and slice down the back at an inwards angle so that it sits flush on the roof Roli out another 30g (1oz) of the grey and cut the dormer roof.



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To mark cracks on the dormer. indem with the tip of the knife. and then cut lines To make slits. cut a smali piece of card mto a l.5cm (’/*n) square. fold it in half and push the folded side into the front of the dormer.

Using 220g (7oz) of the grey sugarpaste. model the turrets and turret roofs Fold a 2.5cm (lin) square of card in half and use the fold to indent the large slit on the central turret With the darker grey trimmmgs. shape different-sized flattened 'stenes' and suck these randomly the surface of the cake. With the remaming grey. model rocks and use these to decorate around the base of the cake.

't -i Using 7g (7.oz) of white modeiling pastÄ™, first model flattened circles.

I I cutting them off at an angle to make the three sets of eyes at the doorway Then roli the remamder mto a sausage. rounding off one end. Press the rounded end fiat and cut a thumb. slightly to one side. then cut fmgers across the top. Pinch and bend the hand round into a fist and stick this agamst the doorway. holding it for a few moments until it is secure.

Modo/ rocks and use them to decorate around the wholc of the cake.


Shaggy and Scooby-Doo are assemfcted fiat. preferabiy on a foam sheet.

Z. and are oniy positioned when they are completely dry. Colour just under 7g (Vmz) of the modeiling pastÄ™ dark red usmg red food colouring pastÄ™ w»th a touch of blue added to it. Split this in half and roli long teardrop shapes. pmching around the fuli end to holiow out and create Shaggy's beli-bottoms Push in at the back and pinch at the front to shape his knees and then stick the knees together.

-i CoÅ‚our I5g (V;oz) of ihe mode:iing pastÄ™ I J green and model Shaggy‘s top. cuttrng the sleeves at either side and hollowmg out the space for his arms to slot mto later. Smooth


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