Humań Health
Cfifnate changemay affect peopls's hdaith bath 'dfreci%; and fndfftefiyrFof ®?aitip{a^haaf stress ar.ti other beatielateri beatth prcbiems are causect directlyhby very yfifrfi’ temperaturea and high bhilidity* iU:ntreated.,.heat stress csn te a v:ery serious medical pfpilerft. ^cieritłsts sy$pMfcfrsf, Tn fhahy places, cftrsat* change wffl ieerease the nufflb&r of vóry het days that ©ochr during tls f«3f. Wdffe hot days increases the possibility of heat related health prablaWd,
JndtrectJy, ecofogical disturbanees, air paTlutSpji* Changes fp food and water supplms, and co.astal fiooding are aii exampies of ppsgflale frnpacts thSt rffgbt affefiKbtiman healffi,.
Hsw peopie a“.d nati;re adapt to ciimate change wili determine how seriously it impacts human Health. Same people and places are likely to be affeeted morę than others. Generally, poor people and poor countries are less likely to have the money and resources they need to cope with-preventing and treating health problems. Very young children and the elderly adults will run the highest risks.
Ecological Systems
Gi.mate change may alter the world’s habitats and ecosystams - al! Iiving thirigs are included in and rcly on these places. Many of these places deoend on a deHcate balance Df rainfall, temperatur©, ahd SfB typd, A ;rapl#dhanf» fei ciimate could spsefcthis
ba lance and seiieusfy ftodanssar many tMlfg,
Most past eltfflajs ehanges occur-ed slswlyy, afioyśjag plants a nś'anfmstsPbs lidspt tsrtteTjssw epMPPPnneffę Odśńdyg śpimg^fjere eise. • owever, if futura etimats changes oecur as rapidly as: some sctówBsts pradte;, plants Ifld ąniftftlś may not be able to react qu.'ckiy enough to survive. The ocean's ecosystems also couJd oe affeeted fpr the same peasons»
Sea Level Rise
Global warming may make _ _
the sea level becorne —\w" ■■
higher. Why? Weil, warmer
weather makes glaciers
melt. A glacier is a large
sheet of fte that moves
V#roweryittewły, Some melting glaciers add morę walerto the ocean. Warmer temperatures also maMhmatsrgJtpand. When water expands in the ocean, !t tatess up morę space and the level of the Śfe8 rtsps,
Sea lewe! may rtsabatom® severai IftShes and as much Pi :3 fest during the n@xt centuiy, IM® wit sffiset boih: satoiral łsp&ppfp aptf m a n m ade sWufitwrśS. aloog casaftess. Coastal floodlng coafcf b» 'saftwatar to fl#w fptf gf.eap wfiepe saft ts pirrńful, threatentiag pUwntsand animaiś fn thssa arssss, Forexample, an i:iereasś::|n pfie salt Obfltlpt # the Delaware snsd Chesapeake faaysbfsthoegbt t® "hsse decrea^d tha apftfef? if pysters a bis fg fjye fj