vibro 05

vibro 05

follow his living example of willpower and per-sistence.

The lessons Jot- Bonomo leamed, the techniques he devclopcd over the ensuing ycars. are all herc at your fingertips. Psycho-Power, Rhythmic Progression, Vibro-Pressure, Tonie Relaxation, Cosmie Breathing . . . these are 5 great new seientifir methods for attaining real power and dynamie strength. Joe Bonomo’s very own, fully explained and fully demonstrated in the pages of this book.

Almost every health authority today advocates these techniques . . . now known as ISOMF.T-RICS, creating tension withont molion, the Jor Bonotno principle of Vibro-Pressure . . . and i.śoToNIcs, exercises of aetunl movrment, the Joe Bonotno principles of Psycho-Power and Bhythinie Progression.

He is also pleascd to see. noled body-builders using his posing stance . . . the ttpper torso pose with urms erossed. He is the father of this trade-niark pose . . . often copied, but nevcr cxcelled!

Joe Rononto belhwes firmly and sincerely in phys ieal fitness . . . making the most of God’s greatest gift, the lmman body.

From today onward, what you do to preserve this gift, to form it and build it into the powerhouse it was meant to be ... is all up to you! And it will be reflected in your health. happiness and suc-eess throughout your entire life!



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