Obraz7 (26)

Obraz7 (26)

D jest poprawną odpowiedzią, ponieważ mężczyzna stwierdził, że jego drużyna została oszukana przez sędziego - uważa, że to nie była jej wina.

2.3    A

We've been playing "the English way" for the iast fifty years and haven't achieved much! It's time to change everything in English football: the education of young players, the training methods, the strategy!

A jest poprawną odpowiedzią, ponieważ mówiący stwierdza, że trzeba zmienić stary system, bo od pięćdziesięciu lat nie przyniósł on pozytywnych wyników.

2.4    F

He hasn't spoken a word to anyone sińce Iast night. He didn't go to work today. I'm not even surę if he let his boss know. I've never seen him behave like that. It's only a stupid gamę!

Kobieta opisuje zachowanie swojego męża i dodaje, że piłka nożna jest tylko głupią grą. Uważa, że jej mąż zbytnio się przejmuje.

2.5    B

I should be happy, I suppose. But now I feel really bad about that money.

Mężczyzna stwierdza, że powinien być szczęśliwy, a jednak czuje się źle. Nie jest pewny, czy postąpił właściwie.

Zadanie 3.

Presenter: Good eyening, everyone. Glad to have you all with us. On this Special Edition of Jason Miller’s News Focus we have Jason direct from Abeville, Louisiana, where he is witnessing one of the greatest natural disasters in American history: Hurricane Rita. Now, Jason, you've seen the terrible damage caused by the hurricane. I imagine it's not a pretty sight?

Jason: lt's a terrible sight, believe me, Gili. Hundreds of buildings under water and thousands of people trapped on the rooftops of their houses waiting for the emergency relief workers. [3.1] The rescue operation has been going on non-stop for the Iast twelve hours. I managed to find out that as many as 1500 people had already been evacuated. There are still many morę left, though.

Presenter: Where are the evacuees being taken to?

Jason: [3.2] The eyacuees are being transported bv helicopter to specially prepared shelters about one hundred kilometres north of Abeyille. The goyernment officials keep repeating: don't come home vet, just stay where you are. However, some people are ignoring this advice and they are coming back to their homes with the hope of collecting their personal belongings that may still be there. This is really very dangerous, so these people should really do what theyre being told and wait until the emergency crews have finished doing their work.

Presenter: Are you able to say at this point how much damage has been done?

Jason: [3.3] lt's definitely too early to assess the amount of damage at this point, but one thing we can already say is

that it is the worst hurricane this town has seen for many, many years. It's going to cost millions of dollars to repair all the damage. And that is not going to happen soon.

[3.4] You can see behind me here a popular shopping area with lots of shops, bars and restaurants. Thev're all close to being completely under water. But this is just one smali place. There are huge numbers of houses that have simply been washed away by the water. And to make things worse, those homes which weren't struck by the hurricane are going to be without electricity tonight. According to the officials, people will have to wait at least twelve morę hours for the power to be switchedon again.

Presenter: Jason, we are carefuliy following the weather reports. [3.5] It looks like the worst is over.

Jason: That's correct. If the rain and the wind continued here, the rescue operations would be much morę difhcult and they would take much longer.

Presenter: Thank you, Jason. That was Jason Miller live from Abeville, Louisiana. We will be following the events in Abeyille for the next hour, so please don't go away.

3.1    C

The rescue operation has been going on non-stop for the Iast twelve hours. I managed to find out that as many as 1500 people had already been evacuated. There are still many morę left, though.

C jest poprawną odpowiedzią, ponieważ w nagraniu jest powiedziane, że akcja ratunkowa trwa od dwunastu godzin i będzie kontynuowana, ponieważ ciągle są jeszcze ludzie, którzy powinni zostać ewakuowani. Z tego samego powodu odpowiedzi A i B nie są poprawne (akcja ratunkowa nie została zakończona i ciągle trwa).

3.2    A

The eyacuees are being transported by helicopter to specially prepared shelters about one hundred kilometres north of Abeyille. The goyernment officials keep repeating: don't come home yet, just stay where you are. However, some people are ignoring this advice and they are coming back to their homes with the hope of collecting their personal belongings that may still be there. This is really very dangerous, so these people should really do what they're being told and wait until the emergency crews have finished doing their work.

A jest poprawną odpowiedzią, ponieważ w nagraniu jest powiedziane, że ewakuowane osoby powinny zostać tam, gdz e teraz są, a nie wracać do domów.

B nie jest poprawną odpowiedzią, ponieważ w nagraniu nie wspomniano, że nie ma nadziei na to, że ewakuowane osoby będą mogły kiedyś powrócić do swoich domów.

C nie jest poprawną odpowiedzią; w nagraniu jest powiedziane, że ewakuowane osoby nie powinny wracać do domów po rzeczy osobiste.

3.3    C

lt's definitely too early to assess the amount of damage at this point, but one thing we can already say is that it is the worst hurricane this town has seen for many, many years.

It's going to cost millions of dollars to repair all the damage. And that is not going to happen soon.



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