Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2007

Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2007


Raw 4:

4 pV v«xjlod wotght yom. VW/4 oz Jke*n błock. 6 « wbito (tor Lob puppy onfy).

Bock of body: Using błock yam-tonów partem for Bo KJog Putt*

Bock leg*: Usng błock yom - tortów partem for Buldog Puppy

Front Leg*: Usng błock yom - fcłiaw partom fc* Buldog Pupcv Berty: Wlth błock, ch 8

Row 1:    *c in 2n0 Ch ffom hk and In oa ch

ocross. (7 sc) Ch 1 Tum.

Raw 2.    wlth błock- łnc first st. sc łn nart 2 sts.

Jołn wtvto. sc whlto m next st. jołn błock, sc błock m next 2 ST*, inc next st. (9 sc) Ch 1 Tum

Raw 3    sc błock mikst 3stt SCwhltoinnoxt3

sts. sc błock in last 3 sts (9sc)Ch 1. Tum

Raw 4    sc błock m frst 2 st s. sc whlto In noxt 5

sts. sc błock In tost 2 sts. (9 sc) Ch1. Tum

Raw 5:    sc błock m first 3 sts. sc whlto in nart 3

sty sc błock In tost 3 sts. (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 6 sc błock In first 4 sts. breck ort błock.

sc whlte in next st. breck ort whlto, sc błock m k3$? 4 $n (9 sc) Ch 1 Tum Raws 7-14 włth błock onty-sc in eost ocross (9 sc) Ch 1 Tun

Fol law rows 15-21 (using błock yom) from Bulłdog Puppy portem

For Front ond Bock legs-using błock yam-tolow same łnstructłons os tor Bulłdog Puppy.

Sowlng body tog Follow sewing instructtons for buiłdog puppy

Forehead and Foce: Using błock yom - Fbcow Bulłdog Puppy portom and sewing msrtucrton* Throot: with błOCk. Ch 8

Raw 1:    sc In 2nd ch from hk and In eo ch

OCfOSS. (7 sc) Ch 1. Ti/n Raw 2:    sc In oa st ocross (7 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Raw 3:    Incfnts*. sclnnext5sts.lnctastst (9

sc) Ch 1. Ti*n.

mc fW st. sc m next 7 sts. inc los* si (11 sc) Ch 1 Ti*n.

Raws S-1S sc moostocros* (11 sc)Ch 1 Tum.

Raw 16    dec first sf.scinnext 3 sts. doc nart s*.

sc m next 3 sts. doc tost st. (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Raw 17. skfksfst.se In noort2sts.docnoxtsf.se m next s*. $l st In los* st. (5 sc) Brock ort and fosfeo

Using błock yom-fołOwstuffing body ond sewing

łnstructłons somo os tor BuHdog Puppy

Toll: Using błock yom- tonów portom and sewtng

łnstructłons for Buldog Puppy

Eor»: VAth błOCk. ch 6.

Raw 1:    sc m 2nd ch from hk ond In eo ch

ocross. (5 SC) Ch 1 Tum

Raws 2-4 sc in eo st ocross (5 sc) Ch 1. Ti*n

Raw 5:    łncfirsts*.scinnext3st*.lnclasts*.(7

sc) Ch 1 Tun

Raw 6    doc first st.scinrwt 3 sts. doc tost st

(5 »C)Ch 1. Tun

Raw 7:    dec first st. sc tn next st. dec losf st (3

sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Raw 8 sk first st. sc in noxt st. si st In las* st. (1 sc) Break ort ond fasten

Sew Eor*-. NMth yam ond yom needa sow oors onfo puppy'* toreheod area on fołiowtng piocement- opprox 4 sts aport centowa on forehead. 5 rows up from body and heod soam Eor* shoud be posltioned so thot thoy aro gołng slrołght bock from torohood towords body No slonting t* necessory. unless prefeood Notę: Falaw Buldog Puppy pottem ond sewtng łnstructłons

Foce Sculptlng: Atfoch yam neor. but no» on foce soom (on throot socton). 5th raw down from center of throot ond foce seom Push yam ond noodto through ot some point attoched to I2fh raw of contor foce (counting up from foce ond throot seom). PUi flghtty Push bock through. 1 st ower to sao to pont where yom wos ottochod Pmi flghtty Draw yom ocross throot piece, pushłng yom needło in some owa oson cpposite sde ond repeot prowlous proceduro Drów yam bock ocross to opposrte stoe Pm flghtty. te ort and foston

Hnlshlng: Foliowali proceduresunderhoockngof FtNISHINS for Buldog Puppy Lob Puppy compiete


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