30136 Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2019

30136 Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2019





Boby yom— V4 1.75 OŁ sfceln vori©got©d yarn aosroa Crochet hk sir© D 2- 'A inch buttons 1- 29 inch % inch wkde whtt© nbbon or cotór Oeskea

WW> ycógatod yom. ch 65 Row 1 sc in 2nd ch from hk and m ©o ch ocross (64 sc) Ch V Tum Rows 2-7 sc m ©o st ocross (64 sc) Ch 1. Tum.

Ch 3 ot ono Ot Row 7 Tum Row 8 dc ineast ocross (64 óc)Ch 1 Tum Rows 9-1& sc in ©a st ocross (64 sc) Chi Tun Ch 3 ot ©od ot row 15 Tum

Row 16 dc is©o st ocross (64dc)Ch ITum Rows 17-18: scin«ostocfoss.(64sc)Ch1.TtfnCh 3 ot ©od ot Row 18 Tum Row 19 dc in ©o st ocross. (64 sc) Ch 1 Tum Rows20-21 scin©astocross(64sc)Ch1.Tun Ch 3 ot ©od ot Row 22 Tum

Row 22. dc łnoast ocross (64dc)Ch1.Tum Rows 23-24: scin©astocross(64sc)Ch1 Tum Ch 3 ot ©od ot Row 24 Tum Row 25 dc in ©o st ocross (64 dc) Ch 1 Tum Rows 26-32 sc in ©a st ocross (64 sc)Ch 1.Tum Ch 3 ot ©od ot Row 32 Tum

Row 33 dc In ©a st ocross (64 dc)Ch 1 Tum. Rows 34-40 sc m oa st ocross (64 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 41:    sc in fint st. hdc innartsf.de inn©xt 60

sts. hdc o noxl st. sc io lost st. (64 sts) Ch 1 Tum

Row 42 sic fint st.' in nart st (sc. hdc. dc. hdc.

sc X sk 2 sts. rop partom from * ocross Endmg row wtfh sl st In lost st Hnishlng: Fold poco in hoif v©rt>co#y. Włth yom and yom noodto-sow piec© tog sfartng ot Row 1 workiog up to Row 23 Roto»d so that soom Is lo center ot piec© Wlth yom and yom noodto - sow bottom ©dg© ck*©d (oioog Row 1 ot piec©) Weo.e 12 och Vi-inch ribbon through Row 22 Ti© io bow Fołd buotlog down ot Row 23. so that pupp/s headwilbeesposed W©av©inonioosoyamoods and cut ott ©xcess yam Buntmg comptotod

Girl’s Layette Set


Baby yam-141.75 oz. skeinyoriegatod yard doskod Crochet hk Słz© D 2- W inch buttons 1-29 inch H Inch wid© whłte ribbon or cckx dos.red Boon«t: wtth yom and słz© O hk ch 27 Row 1:    sc In 2nd ch from hk ond In ©o ch

ocross (26 sc) Ch 3. Tum Row 2 dc in ©a st ocross (26 dc) Ch 1. Tum Row 3:    dec fiest 2 sts. sc m next st. hdc in next

st. dc in nart st. fre in nart st. ch 1. sk 1 st. tre in nart st. dc in nart st. hdc in next st. sc m noxt 2 sts hdc in next st. dc m o©xt st. tre Io nart st. ch 1. sk 1 st. tre in nart st. dc in nart st. hdc In nart st sc in n©xt st. dec lost 2 sts Ch 1 Tum Row 4:    sc in flrst st. ioc nart 2 sh. sc in nart 6 sts.

loc nart st. sc in nart 7 sts inc nart 2 sts sc in lost st (25 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 5:    dec flrst st. sc in nart 9 sts. dec nart st.

scinnartlOstsdockafsł (20sc)Ch 1. Tum

Row 6    dec flrst st.se In nart 4 sts. hdc in nart 4

sts hdc-dec in nart st. hdc n nart 4 sts sc in nart 4 sts dec k»t st 8rook ott ondfoston (19 sts)

R©jołnyomotb©glnnksgotRcw 1 Workingorouod odgo ot boonot (omifting Row 1 ©dg©> inoa st-sc hdc. dc. hdc sc. sk 1 st. rop portom ocross front odg© Brook ott ond fostoo w©av© H inch ribbon through Row 2 L©cw ot toast 5 iochos on ©o skJo for tioiog ioto baw Boonet comptoted Top: Włth yom ond size O hk. ch 26 Row 1 sc in 2 nd ch from hk and m oo ch ocross (25 sc) Ch 1. Tum Row 2    inc fint st. seto nart 11 sts. inc nextst.se

innart 11 sts inc tost st (28sc)Ch 1 Tum

Row 3 sc in flrst 5 sts (5 sc) Ch1. Tun (Front piec© start Od horo)

Row 4 sc io oo st ocross (5 sc) Ch 1 Tum Row 5:    inc flrst sl. sc in lost 4 sts (6 sc) Ch1.



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