29078 Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2002

29078 Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2002



(Roqu*od for bulidog puppy onty) 4 pty wonted werghtyam. H-35c« skom worm medtom Crown Bock ot body: startmg ot noc*, wlth brown yam ch 18

Row 1:    »c In 2nd ch dom hk and ta oo ch

ocroo (17 sc) Ch 1 Tan Raw 2    sc meo st oooss (17 sc)Ch 1 Tum

Row 3    sc ta trtt 0. tacnox10.se ta noxt 13 sts

tac neart ji. sc n ast st (i9tc)CM Tan.

Row 4    sctaea0ocros* (19sc)Ch 1 Tum

RowS    sc ta flrst 0. tac rxw1 0. sc ta next 15 sn.

tnc n©*t 0, sc ta kał 0 (21 sc) O 1 Tum

Rows 6-11 sc In ea 0 octów (21 sc) O 1 Tum Row 12    scmftr0 0.docnoxt0.sctanaxt15st*

doc next 0. sc ta kat 0 (19sc)Ch1. Tan

Row 13    sc ta frstsł, decn«tst.ic ta noxt13 sts.

doc next st. sc ta kat 0. (17 sc) Ch 1 Tum

Row 14 sc ta flrst sc. d*c noxtst.se ta naxt 11 st* doc next 0. seta kat 0(15 sc)Ch 1. Ton

Rew 15 sc In flot 6 0sdecnex10.se ta kat 7 st* (14 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 16    SC ta Vvl 6 sts. dOC nota st. sc ta kast 6 Jts

(13 sc)Ch 1 Ton

Row17 sc ta frstst.doc noxtst.se ta next 7 sn.

doc rma st. sc ta kat st (11 sc)Ch 1 Tum

Rowlft sc ta fint s».d*c noxtst.se ta no«t 5 stt doc noxt st sc ta lat st (9 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 19:    sctafintst.docnoxt3sts.isctaooor

tost 2 sts (6 sc) Ch 1. Tan Row 20 sc ta flrst st. doc next 2 sts sc m tost st

(4 sc) Ch 1. Tum

Row 21    *ftrłtst sctanoxt2sttststtaloiist(2

sc) Broak ort and fasten Bock ot body corrpe»od Bock logs: Roiota yam to tost row («ow 21) ot bock p*co

Row 1    Wo«kr>3 towards nock Ot bock p>OCO •

1 sc ta oa row to row 11. (11 sc) Ch 1 Tan

Row 2    tacfWstst.sctanoxt7stvdacnoxtst.se

ta lost st (11 sc) Ch 1 Tum.

Row 3 sc m f»st st. doc naxt st sc ta noxt 7 sts tac tost st (11 sc) Ch 1. Tan

Row 4    Rap row 2

Row 5:    Rop row 3.

Row 6' sc ta flrst 8 sts doc next st. sc ta lost st (10 sc) Ch 1 Tan

Row 7 sc m flrst 9 sts st stlnlostst (9sc)Ch1 Tum

Row 8:    tk ta flrst st, sc ta tost 9 sts (9 sc) Ch 1


Row 9 sc ta flrst 7 sts doc lost st. (8 sc) Ch 1 Tan

Rew 10 tk flrst st. sc ta next 5 sts doc last st (6 sc) Ch 1 Tan

Row 11:    dac flrst sf.se ta noxt 3 sts ta lost st

(4 sc) Breefc ort ond katon

Rop portom Ser bock log on other KJ*

Front Log* Jota yom ta 2nd row counfmg down Itom neck

Row 1    sc ta samo 0 as Jotamg and ta next 6

rows down (7 sc) Ch 1 Tan Row t    doc flrst 0. sc ta naxt 4 sts tac lost st ( 7

sc) Ch 1 Tan

Row 3 tac flrst 0 seta naxt 4 sts doc last 0,(7 sc) Ch 1. Tan

Row A tac fnt 0. sc ta naxt 5 sts tac kat 0 (9

sc)Ch 1, Tum

Row 6 tac Ant 0. sc m kat 8 sts (10 sc) Ch 1 Ton

Row 6:    dacflr0 0.sc ta kat 8 sts (9 sc) Chi


Rew 7 sc ta flrst 7 sts dec kat 0 (8 sc) Os 1 Ton

Row 8    dacflr00.sctar»rt4sttdocia00.(6

sc) Ch 1 Ton

Row 9    decflrsf 0. seta next 2 sts decka* 0 (4

sc) Ch 1 Ton

Row 10    skflr00.sctanwt2sts40takat0 (2

sc) Break ort and katon Rop partom tor front wg on other iklo Borty wttrt browta. eh 8

Row 1 sc ta 2nd eh kom Nr and ta ea ch ocios* (7 sc) Ch 1 Tum

Row 2. tac flr00.se ta noxt 5 sts tac kat 0 (9

sc) Ch 1 Ton

Rows 3-14 SC ta eo 0 ocroa* (9 sc) Ch 1 Ton Row 18    sc ta flrst 3 sts doc naxt0.sc ta kat 4 sts

(8 sc) Ch 1 Ton

Row 16    sc ta flnt 3 sts doc next0.se ta kat 3 sts

(7 sc)Ch 1 Ton

Row 17:    docftr00.sctanext3stsdecia00.(5

sc) Ch 1. Ton


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