Spójr7 na poniższy plan przedstawiający centrum miasta. Posłuchaj komunikatu radiowego o korkach i zaznacz na planie najbaidziej zakorkowane miejsca. Użyj wyrażeń z ramki.
aocktent road works lirę bus hrcakdown traflic lights out new roundabout belng built
Spójrz na plan i uzupełnij informacje mające |x>moc kierowcy trafie z miejsca A do miejsca B i uniknąć korków.
To avoid the trouble spols. lurn leli before the
11) ............and go along I lope Street W hen
you get to the end tum right into Cieen Street Co straight over at the |2| . ..... lights. then tum
irnmediately (3) ..... into a one-way Street
calkd Brick L-me At ihe cncf of Bnck Lane you can turn 14)............... into the Ringway Fol Iow the
Ringway to the next (5)............and tum lefi
Thafs the road out of town
Dopasuj pytania (I 7) do odpowiedzi (a fi)
Why arc you so lato?
a) Weil we don t want to get caught in the rush hour
7 Why are we leavlngsoearly, Dad? bl No. you can t Look. it's no entry. Try the next turnfng
3 Are the tralns on time today?
cl They re carrying out some major road works.
4 The roads closed What can we do? d) Yes. my caTs at the garage today
5 Why is thls road closed?
6 Are you going to work by bus?
7 Can I turn left here?
I) No, I m alraid theyre running late today g l I got stuck ir» a terrible trafflc jam